Chapter 5

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I knew that I had to wait for her to forgive me but here I was standing outside her apartment, just like she she'd told me to be. I rang the doorbell and waited for her. I just hoped that  she didn't greet me with a baseball bat. "Hey," she said, opening the door. "Hi, how're you doing?" She smiled, just smiled. I knew she wasn't alright. She was dressed in jeans, a white shirt and her hair was wet around her shoulders. "Going somewhere?" "No, I was waiting for you," she said and sat down. "Elize, about this morning..." "Hm?" "Look, I could never say that what happened... in London, wasn't my fault because it was. It was all my fault but... it'll never happen again." "Abel, we aren't committed. I never asked and neither had you promised. If we were... it was a different matter. But as for what happened... I don't really care." 

She didn't care. And that was a lie. I'd seen the myriad of emotions on her face when I'd first told her. I'd seen how hard she'd worked to control herself. I knew that she was lying and yet, I couldn't accuse her of it because if I did, I was forcing myself to believe that I actually mattered to her more than she mattered to herself. I knew... that was too much to ask of anyone. "How's your dad?" "He's doing better but... they're still doubtful about his complete recovery. The company is in danger and I could never dream of taking over but... the problem is, I don't have siblings and the rest of our family isn't involved. Entrusting an entire empire on someone we don't know would be... stupid, to say the least." "Well, why don't you think that you can take over?" "Because, I don't have enough experience. It's all about experience and the ability to do the right thing. I don't think that I should get something I don't deserve." I just couldn't understand this woman. Who was she? What did she think? What was doing with someone like her? She was smart, really smart and I... well, forget about it. 

She looked at me  with this weird expression. "Sorry, sorry," I muttered. "Well, do you want to go out or...?" "Okay, let's go out," I said and got up. She smiled and got up. I waited while she put on her shoes. She hadn't been to work and I was glad that she hadn't. I think she needed some time off from all of that stress. She needed to relax and I needed to stop fucking everything up. I looked at the pictures on her walls and I saw the one with her parents at a beach. She looked just like them. Especially like her mom. The same eyes, nose and the same hair. But she had that stern expression, like her dad. She knew exactly what she wanted and if one day, she decided that she didn't want me, I knew that I'd be out of her life. out. I wouldn't be given an option, no questions would be asked. She was strong, independent and that was what I could love about her. I knew that I respected her but... I hadn't shown it to her. "Let's go." I turned around. She hadn't put on makeup, she was wearing boots and a jacket. "Where do you want to go?" She asked me. "Um... how about that sushi place?" She smiled. "Sure, that'd be nice since you didn't let me eat there." I rolled my eyes. She leaned in and kissed me. "Look, Abel, thank you for coming over." "Elize... always." 


I knew that there was some part of him that was regretting what he had done. I wanted to tell him not to because... there really was no committment. I don't think I'd ever thought about tomorrow when I was with him. It was always in the moment because I knew that he isn't the kind of guy looking for a forever. I knew that there was a huge lie behind the things that I had told him. I did care. I knew that. I just... hoped that he didn't. I hoped that he didn't know that he'd broken my heart despite the fact that I had known that this would happen at some point of time. I had trusted him because... I could and this was me. This was all me. I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't help my impulses. There was a lot that I couldn't do. I could never do. While we ate, I asked him about his concerts at London and there was this weird look in his eyes. He just looked away and spoke about irrelevant details. "So, when you perform again... here, I'll come." "Yeah, you will," he said and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck because I knew that it was only now that I could do it. 

"Let's go," he murmured, pulling away. GO HOME. He was all about that. Only about that. "Where?" "I don't know. Let's take a stroll. See the town. How about that, love?" Love? What?


How was it? Good enough? I just constantly worry about disappointing the few people who bother to read this shit. Anyways, not a very long chapter, I know. And nothing specific really. I want to be weird I guess, cause that's me, bitches. lol. Tell me how you like it (or dislike it) and I hope I can get enough to write another. 


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