Chapter 14

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Elize was sleeping next to me on the bed, but I couldn't sleep. I was ashamed, embarrassed.

When the reality hit me that I was in love, I'd let myself fall, I was ashamed. But then, could I leave her? This sounded corny as shit.

I didn't know how to fucking feel other than what I was dealing right now. I was not in my right mind because I knew that she did reciprocate how I felt but was she ready to settle for me?

I sat up on the bed and tried not to think about anything. I concentrated on this spot on the opposite wall, staring at it until my vision distorted it into a million different things.

"Why are you awake?" I heard her whisper. "Why are you?" I asked her. "I don't know. So...?" "Can't sleep." "Need help?" She asked me. "Sure, why not?"

"Lie down then," she said. I followed her orders. She wrapped her arms around me and came up to my neck and kissed it. "Come on be the little spoon," she said, with a smirk. "Elize... really?"

"I'm not joking, dumbass. Come on, turn around," she ordered. I did as she said. She wrapped her arm around my torso and pressed, so I moved back a little. She snuck her leg between both of mine. "Okay, try to sleep," she said and kissed my back. "I'll try."


What's your favorite dream? Is it also your worst nightmare?

That's where I was, relationship wise. Abel was asleep, passing his insomnia onto me. I snuggled into his back, not thinking about anything. God, it was frustrating. I could go back to work. Bury myself under it.

I was right about mom taking over, that was a relief. I'd go to work, not answer questions, stay away from complications. I hoped that I could come back to Abel at the end of the night.

My apartment was... painful, to say the least. I slowly peeled my arm off of him and my leg from beneath his and moved to the side of the bed, getting up.

I walked out of the room and to his balcony, leaning on the balustrade, I looked down at the abyss. Well, Abyss to me because I hated heights. I tried almost every way I could to lose myself of that but it doesn't go away. Pain in my ass.

I closed my eyes and let the soft breeze hit my face.

"You know, it's rude to leave people alone," Abel said. I turned around and he was standing at the door, looking sleep deprived. "Why'd you wake up?" "Cause, it was less warm in my bed," he joked. "OK, I'm sorry. I just needed a little air." "Okay, let's both get some air," he said.

We stood on the balcony together, in silence. "Why couldn't you sleep before?" I asked him. "Issues. Many of them. Don't worry about it." I pursed my lips and looked at the building across the road. "Are you feeling better?" He asked me softly.

"What?" "Are you feeling better now? I mean... here, with me?" "Yes," I lied. "OK, good," he said and put his arm around me, resting his head on my shoulder. "You're a terrible liar," he whispered. "Sorry, I just... don't have a clear head. I was thinking about going back to work tomorrow."

He instantly jumped away from me. "What?" I asked him. "Um... why do you want to go back tomorrow?" "I think it'll be nice to distract myself, bury myself in work so that I can stop my mind from working."

"Will you still live with me, though?" "Do you want me to?" "Do you want to?" "I do." "Great," he said and put his arms back around me. "Abel, you should go, sleep."

"No, that's alright." "I'll come with, if that helps." "No... let's stay." "Ok."

We stood there for a while before sitting down on the ground, staring through the balustrade.

"Do you think maybe this relationship is too weird?" I asked him.


"No." "Really? You think we're a normal couple?" "I do, actually. I think we're quite normal." She looked at me like she was expecting me to laugh or something. Nothing was funny enough for me to do that.

"Well, um... I guess, you're serious." "I am." "But Abel, we're so fucked up. I mean, I am so fucked up." "That you are and that's alright." "Thanks," she said, leaning in to kiss me. I kissed her back. "Um... can people see your balcony very clearly?" "I doubt they can make anything out. Why?"

"No reason," she whispered and looked down at her hands. "Elize, do you want to go home?" "No." "I mean, to your mom." "No." "Why?" "She reminds me of dad," she muttered.

"Elize, you can't hide from what happened. You know that, right?" "Don't care. I'd just rather not think about it." "That's not how you deal with shit like this." "Like what, Abel? I can't," she muttered. Her voice cracked and I was sure that she was about to cry.

If there was one thing I was fucking terrible at was handling someone when they cried. "Don't cry," I whispered. "OK." "You can't hide from this. You know that. You just can't sit around waiting for nothing, hide behind work, hide behind me, hide from reality." "I don't want to hide, believe me."

"Then why are you?" "Cause, it's difficult to deal with such things." "That's a poor excuse." "Mhm," she said and looked up at me. "Go meet your mom tomorrow," I urged her.

She didn't respond. She seemed to be contemplating how to reply.

"OK. I'll go... if you come with."

I feel our souls burning up when I'm inside of you.


How was that? Was it good? OMG. tell me. Don't leave me in suspense. Okay, anyway. I can't wait to write the next chapter. It's gonna be a little difficult to write because we've never really been acquainted with her mom. Right? Right?

I don't know how to deal with her mom. Hm... :/ It's weird. Alright, see you later. :)

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