Chapter 8

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You know that moment when you lose yourself beyond repair? This was it. My eyes couldn't believe what they saw and my heart couldn't take it. I was just sick a while ago but now, I was broken, tattered and smashed as well. I saw him, standing outside his XO building, redhead in tow and walking through the paprazzi, escaping was more like it. He was on E!-News. But the reputation that they had, I didn't know whether to believe them but... I couldn't disbelieve my eyes either. What was this hell? I had just been contemplating being in love with him after what he'd said and now, I knew that this was shit at it's best. I always knew that whatever we were, it wasn't a relationship. It wasn't romantic and it was just a way to pass the time. It was about sex and it wasn't about anything more. I should've known that when he told me about that girl in London. Actually, I did know that back then but I started to believe differently. Time changes a lot and this was the moment when time showed me the difference between the real and the fake. I knew that changing who I was for someone who wasn't worth it was sick. I knew I didn't do relationships and I knew he didn't either. But, I still left here questioning, What is this hell?


Paparazzi. How the fuck did they even know I was here? How did Tiffany get inside? And why the fuck had she followed me out? This was going to be hell and if Elize saw this, I knew that she wouldn't say a word... she'd just go back to post-London mode. She was going through a lot of shit and she didn't need this. But I needed to go tell her before she found out from someone else. So, I walked towards her building, avoiding all the major roads. It didn't take long but I was outside her apartment, knocking on her door. She opened, looking pale and tired. "Abel," she muttered. "Elize," I said, walking in with a smile. I could hear the TV in the distance, Basketball. I walked in and closed the door behind me. "I'm sick," she muttered. "I can see that." "Well?" "OK," I murmured. "Well, it so happened that one of my exes decided to visit me..." "And?" She sounded impatient, like she'd been waiting for this. "And, I manage to escape the studio without any wrongdoing but she followed me out..." "Is she here?" She asked me. "No, but we were seen by paparazzi and they... misinterpretted the whole thing." "Well, alright," she said. "Are you mad?" "Why should I be mad, Abel? It's not like we're serious. It's not like it's important to either of us. Yeah, you love me and I'm in serious like with you but it's not like there's future to this thing Abel. It isn't going anywhere and you know that." I stared at her for a moment. She'd seen it and heard it. She knew what had happened and this was her reaction. She knew what I was talking about before I explained it to her. She knew what she wanted before she knew what it was about. Clearly, this wasn't love. Because they said that love listens. "No, Elize, I actually didn't know that. Thanks for telling me how you feel about us and since this isn't going anywhere, it's over. Right here, right now. I'm not going to explain this to you again. I'm not going to try to get you back. It's going to... hurt, trying to make it without you but I'm gonna deal with it. You don't take this seriously. I don't see the point of trying to make you or trying to make myself take this seriously. Take care," I shot out before turning around, opening the door and walking out. I didn't know what she looked like now. I didn't want to do this. She was going through a lot but I was no longer interested in being subjected to stereotypes by my own girlfriend. I was through.


He'd probably been pushed too far, by me. I had assumed a lot. And the state that I was in... I was in no position to refute what he'd said. I was in no position to stop him or defend myself. Were we better off without each other?


because I wanted to get the plot twist out and then make you guys wait for the next chapter, cause I'm evil . JK JK ( not about the evil part though) Actually, I did want to get this out because... I wanted you guys to know about the ups and downs that will follow sooner. And I know I just updated but I wanted to update again and I'll be updating in like four days or something with A MUCH LONGER CHAPTER. MUCH LONGER

This is legitimately less than 1000 words, which means it's the short and it's basically just... a point. :p Anyways, hope you... liked it? Um... hope all you sadistic folks out there enjoyed the pain. I actually love how sadistic Elize is. She's my spirit animal. ;)

Take care.


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