Chapter 20

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"So, how long have you been dating her?" I heard someone scream and I looked down, kept walking.

"Abel, I love you." "Yeah, who is she? Do you love her?" "Abel, is she a fan?" "What does she do...?"

The screams kept getting louder these days. I couldn't hear myself think, maybe that was the appeal of fame. You didn't get to live your life, you lived it for others, you kind of fade into the background, of a version of yourself. A version, that no one else can possibly see.

That's the reason we need drugs. We needed to overcome fame.

I leaned on the balustrade and looked up at the cloudy sky. My mind felt afloat. The music thumping through my head, my lips singing unfamiliar lyrics, they often came to me during these hours. The smoke brought them to me. Elize wrapped her arms around me. 

"Hey babe," I rasped. 

"Abel," she murmured. 

"How you doin'?" 

"You're high, though," she said and kissed my shoulder. I chuckled at that response and my hands on hers, and intertwined our fingers and pulled her harder against my back. 

"What's that song?" She asked me. "It sounds more like what you used to write, during the Trilogy days." 

"Yeah, it does..." I said and brought her hands up to my lips. "What was your favorite song from Trilogy?" 

"The Party and the After Party, hands down!" She said, immediately. 

I bit my lip to suppress the upcoming chuckle. She was a real fangirl. It fucking amazed me all the time. 

"Maybe, I should be leaving now," she murmured and pulled her hand away from mine. 

"Why? Where do you have to go?" I asked her, turning around. She was still in her robe. She looked like she was sick. 

"I have a doctor's appointment. I don't feel so good." 

"Do you think...?" I trailed off. 

"No, Abel, I checked," she muttered and took off her robe, to put on her underwear. 

"I could go with you..." 

"I think I'll be fine," she added with a grin. 


A couple of weeks later. 

I sat down in the clinic, for the second time. Took out my book, and started to read as they hooked me up. I wasn't sure, neither were they, how long this was going to take, to change. But... I hoped... like an idiot. 

If they found an alternative, or if my mom allowed the experimental treatment, there were chances of recovery but at this stage, I regretted signing her up as my guardian. I knew that I would've gone for the experimental. 

I hadn't told anyone yet. No friends. No relatives (other than mom) and sure as fuck not Abel. I was thinking about telling Felicity. I needed her... no, wanted her here. To make me laugh, make me feel like I might not die. 

As it started to hurt, I gripped the handle of the chair even harder, grit my teeth and tried to think about other things. I thought mostly about my dad, how nice it would have been to have him here with me. 

I missed him too much now. 

I had to stay there for a few days, I finished up and then left for home. Abel told me he'd be there, so it'd be great to see him. I felt like I'd lost my entire strength in the past couple of weeks. I groaned in the backseat of the car and the driver turned around. 

"It's alright," I murmured and smiled and he nodded. 

I walked into my apartment, I closed the door behind me and leaned back against it. Hoping I wouldn't feel the fatigue, if something was holding me up. 

"Hey El..." Abel said and I opened my eyes. He smiled at me and then came up to kiss me. 

"How you doin?" He murmured, before kissing me again. 

"I'm fine," I whispered and put my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Are you really okay?" "I miss my dad." 

"Wanna go out for dinner? My treat," he added, with a chuckle. 

"How about we order in? Just stay home...?" I whispered in his ear. 

"Yeah, you seem tired too. Must've been a lot of work. You been going out too much."

"Mhm," I muttered and hugged him tighter. 

"Okay, how about you freshen up and I'll order something? We'll sit down to watch something, after." 

"The game's on," I told him, letting go and standing up straight. 

"Okay, let's watch that, girl," he said with a smile. 


She looked so fucking worn, and I knew that something was up. She wasn't shouting at the screen or even murmuring. She'd become thinner, I noticed in the bathroom earlier. She wrapped her arms around her legs that were up against her chest and leaned her head on my shoulder. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her, for the millionth time and she rolled her eyes at me. 

"Why do you keep asking that?" 

"I don't know. You barely ate anything." 

"I'm not that hungry," she muttered. I stroked her cheek and kissed her lips before pulling her into an embrace. 

"Elize, what's going on?" 

"I'm just dying..." 


If you have guesses. You're probably correct. See ya. 


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