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*Warning* some scenes in this chapter are graphic!

Hermione's P.O.V

It's been a rough couple of days, with the stress of now having a Baby, Scorpius was born 2 weeks ago and now I'm pregnant with A Girl, We've Chosen now just to have three kids, then have two when we're older hopefully. I woke up again from Scorpius crying " Draco, it's your turn " i said pulling the blanket over my body " No, it's Yours " Draco said groaning " Fine, Fine " i said getting out of bed, i walked into Scorpius's room and cradled him, singing a lullaby

When he finally fell back asleep, it was about 6:30am, i walked into the bathroom quickly as i was about to throw up, Draco ran in and held my hair " It's Okay, " he said as i threw up " Your saying that to a pregnant woman " I said trying to make a joke but failed from me throwing up again, Draco Laughed " Hey, we're Parents, that's our job to be okay, by throwing up " He said as i groaned whipping my mouth " Ha Ha " i said standing up " Come on, We have our apointment with Madam Pomfrey, then breakfast " Draco said as i nodded, i went and changed into just some normal skinny jeans, a black bra, an Blue flowy tank top, a grey sweater and some white all star converses. I put my hair up into a poinytale

" Hermione, it's time to leave " Draco said, i nodded, Draco asked Luna to watch Scorpius, which she gladly excepted

We walked into the hospital wing, only to see Ron and Pansy fighting about who's taking their Daughter, Jessa, to clean her diaper. I laughed as so did Draco, " Good Morning, Miss Granger and Mr Malfoy " Madam Pomfrey said as i laid down on one of the beds " Ready to see how the baby is doing? " She asked as we both nodded.

" Thank you, Madam Pomfrey " Draco said as we left to go get Scorpius " Excited to be having a baby Tomorrow? " Draco asked " Hopefully, it will be better than last time " i said groaning, Draco Chuckled. We got back home and i saw Luna and Scorpius, he was giggling as she was making funny faces, i smiled as so did Draco " Maybe, we should ask her? " Draco said quietly " I guess, " i said as She saw us " Oh hi, " Luna said as she smiled " Luna, we have something to ask " Draco said " Yeah, what is it? " She asked as we sat down on the couch in front of her and Scorpius " We wanted to ask, will you be Scorpius's Godmother " Draco said as Luna's smile widened more " I would love too " She said smiling, i smiled, Draco did as well

Luna left because she had to Feed Lorcan and Lysander, I made Bacon, Eggs, and Toast, i put it on the dinning room table, then went back to the kitchen and got Scorpius's Cereal, i sat Scorpius down as Draco sat down then i did, " Do you feel okay to go to class today or are you gonna stay home today? " Draco asked " Um I'm gonna try to go " i said handing the bowl to Scorpius who grabbed it and started eating, Every seventh year found out that our kids will grow fast considering they only live for a year well except Draco and I's, " Okay, so which name do you want to use, Clarissa Dawn or Lucy Camilla ? " Draco asked " I would say Clarissa Dawn, what about you? " I asked as he smiled " sure, anything that makes you happy " he said as i giggled, I haven't told Ron about Draco and i but Blaise, Pansy and the others they figured it out on their own.

" i love you " i said as i grabbed our dishes and put them in the sink " i love you too " Draco said as he picked up Scorpius " i love you more " i said " i love you much more " Draco said coming over to me " i love you- " i was cut off by Draco kissing me, i smiled as we parted " come on we have to take Scorpius to Day Care " Draco said, i nodded then grabbed my school bag and Scorpius's.

Defense Against The Dark Arts was finally over, " Feel okay, to go to Potions? " Draco asked, i was about to reply when i felt something wet go down my leg " Draco " i said stopping as so did he " What? " He asked " my water just broke " i said as Draco's smiled went away and left a frantic Draco " Come on " Draco said as we frantically walked to the Hospital Wing.

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