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George's P.O.V

I am probably going completley bonkers, but i don't know, all i know is that i'm running trying to find Hermione. I searched everywhere, she wasn't even in the library. I finally went up to the Gryffindor common room, and asked for Hermione " she's in her room " Seamus said pointing in a direction " thanks " i said running down the coridoor and found their room, i nocked on the door, finally after three times, Hermione answered " George, hey " she said smiling, i took a breath in, and she looked worried " what's wrong " she asked " nothing, just ran here " i said and she chuckled " Hermione, i think i'm going crazy " i said letting tears stream down my face, her smile went away, and turned into a frown " George, come in, it's gonna be okay " she said letting me in, i went and sat down on the couch " everything is going crazy, to top off everything Ivy's back, and Ron loves her " i said " George, shh, it's gonna be okay " she said wrapping her arms around me as i cried " hermione we- " Draco stopped when he saw me crying " George, oh my god, whats wrong " Draco asked " Ivy happened " i said

" Kids why don't you go into your rooms, for a bit " Draco said and they ran into Clary's " i got back from talking to Macgonagall and picking up the kids, i know that she's back, what did she do when she saw Ron? " Draco asked sitting down on the table " she said she was sorry, and then Ron said he basicially loves her " i said, he frowned " Hermione, could you leave George and i alone to talk " he said " yeah, i'll go check up on Clary and Scorpius " she said leaving the room

" George, i know everything in your life, is going upside down, but believe me when i say this, that it will get better " he said " how do you know? " i asked " Well, i'm with the girl i've loved since i first saw her, and i never thought she would love me back, but she does, i thought she hated me for everything i did to her and what my family did " he said and i looked down " but now she's my beautiful girlfriend, and have two kids almost three " he said and i smiled " everything in my life, is gone, Angelina, Ginny's crazy, and now Ron loves Ivy " i said " i know, but i'm telling you from my experience it will get better, trust me, you wouldn't want to have gone through what i did " he said " i watched Hermione get tortured by my aunt, i watched the love of my life, get tortured, i watched innocent people die, i was forced into becoming a death eater even though i didn't want too " he said " i'm really glad Hermione has you " i said " sometimes i think that i don't even deserve her, after everything i done to her but somehow she loves me, and doesn't care of who i am, cause blood doesn't matter " he said and i let a tear go down my face

" Angelina, cheated on me and is now pregnant " i said " oh my god, George i'm so sorry, i didn't know " he said and i nodded " i know you didn't it's okay " i said " you'll get through this, trust me, cause i did " he said and i nodded. " she's mad at me, for getting mad that it's not mine, and that it was a mistake, but i don't really believe her " i said and he nodded " are you going to get back together, or have you chosen that you don't want to? " he asked " i'm not getting back with her, she hurt me, and she could cheat again, and i don't want that " i said and he nodded " well with whatever you chose, it'll be okay " he said " thanks " i said and he looked confused " why are you saying Thank you? " he asked " because i judged you for who your parents are, but your actually a really great person, Hermione really has a great guy on her hands " i said and he chuckled " I've got a great women, she gets the good out of me, i can't help it, she's beautiful " he said, i smiled slightly, i wasn't going to admit to him that i have feelings for his girlfriend

I couldn't nor would i ever, i already let her go once, the second time will be harder, but gotta get through it, and i also can't tell him the actual reason for Angelina being mad at me, i'd just be hurting myself more " You okay? " Draco asked " yeah, just thinking how lucky hermione is, your a great friend, and lover to her, i haven't seen her as happy as she is since, getting her parents back " i said looking down " thank you, i know how much you've been through, with you know- " he said stopping " Fred dying " i said and he nodded " yeah " he said " and Ginny being crazy, because of Ron being missing but now he isn't " i said " yeah, your family, has gone through a lot, " he said " we all go through things, it's life, when will we ever not go through them, or make mistakes " i said and he nodded " your right " he said " anyways, everyone is probably worried about me, i should get back to them " i said " yeah, i should check to see if dinners almost ready, the kids are really hungry " he said chuckling, as so did i " well i'll leave it to you, it was nice talking " i said as we stood up " yeah, i'll see you later hopefully " he said and i nodded

" okay, bye " i said walking out " bye " Draco said. 

Ron's P.O.V

For the rest of the night, Ivy and i talked, till we both fell asleep. I woke up to sun blaring through the curtains, i groaned as it was to bright, i looked around to find Ivy asleep in the chair, i smiled, she looks beautiful while sleeping, i grabbed my extra blanket and put it on her, then laided back, and closed my eyes.

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