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Ron's P.O.V

I looked around, i just want to be home, with my friends and family " let me out of here! " i cried out, i feel like i'm going crazy, i just want Ivy, Harry, Hermione back. Malfoy walked in " will you obey what i ask of you " he said, i looked down but i knew the only way to get out of here was by doing what he wants " yes " i said and he smirked " then lets get you back to hogwarts " he said and everything evaperated around me, next thing i knew i was back at hogwarts, in a coridoor, i heard gasps, i looked up seeing Harry, Luna, and a couple more students " call Madam Pomfrey! " Harry yelled and a young girl ran down the other way, Luna and Harry ran up to me " Ron!? " Luna said " i'm here, i'm okay " i said weak " do you remember anything? " Luna asked " it's Malfoy's dad, he want's you " i said looking at Luna, harry and luna looked at each other " we've gotta tell Macgonagall " Luna said " first we need to get him to Madam Pomfrey " Harry said " everyone clear! " Macgonagall and Pomfrey yelled, Then all i saw was darkness.

Hermione's P.O.V

i was sat on the couch with Clary when Luna ran in " it's Ron! " she said, my eyes widened " he's back " she said, i put Clary down on the couch and stood up " where is he? " i asked as Draco walked out of the kitchen " Hospital Wing " she said and i looked at Draco " Luna can you watch the kids " Draco asked " lets bring the children with us " she said and i looked confused " why? " i asked " Dad took Ron, because he wants me " she said and draco's eyes widened " yeah, your not staying alone, kids come on, we're going for a walk " Draco said and they jumped up " you two go, i'll be right behind you, with the kids " Draco said and i nodded " Come on Luna " i said walking out " He's really out of it, and saying Ivy's name over and over " Luna said, and i looked at her " really, i wonder why, maybe Stockholm Syndrome " i said " maybe " Luna said " there were actually pretty cute together " i said and luna chuckled " they actually were " she said and we both chuckled.

We got to the Hospital Wing, i opened the door and saw The Weasleys, and Harry, but no Ginny, i walked over to George " hey " i said and he looked down at me, his frown turned into a smile " hello little bookworm " he said and i smiled " hello prankster " i said " i'm glad he's okay, and back " i said " me too " George said " i've missed you very much " he said and i smiled " how's Angelina " i asked and he looked down " we had a fight, and we're taking a break " he said and i looked at him sad " i'm sorry " i said rubbing his shoulder, he smiled a bit " it's okay, i don't know what's gonna happen though " he said " it's gonna be okay, trust me, i've been in worse " i said and we both chuckled " yeah, just glad to have my mione back " he said " oh, your mione " i said smiling " you do realize i'm taken, and pregnant " i said and he chuckled " i know don't worry " he said and i started blushing at thinking of him calling me mione " do you want to sit down? " George asked " i'm fine " i said rubbing my tummy " are you sure? " he asked " not really " i said and he chuckled

" why don't we go on a walk, get some fresh air for you " he said and i nodded " that sounds like a good idea " i said smiling " Miss Granger " George said holding out his arm, i smiled linking arms with him " Draco won't get mad at this right? " he said and i chuckled " your just a friend, and he knows that.... Hopefully " i said and he chuckled " Hopefully? " he said and i smiled " Hopefully " i said as we walked out of the Hospital Wing, once we turned Left, i saw Draco and the kids, Draco looked shocked to see George and i " Hello Draco " George said as we walked up to them " Momma " Clary said holding out her arms, i smiled and picked her up " Hello George " Draco said " Hermione and i, were just going on a walk " George said " oh, well the kids and i are gonna go visit Ron, before going home " Draco said " i'll see you back at home " i said kissing Draco's cheek.

George and I walked down the corridors of hogwarts, down to the black lake, we sat down under a tree near by " so you and Draco are going good " George said " yeah, we've had our ups and downs but we've gotten through it " I said " wish it was easy " George said and I looked at him " I'm sorry about Angelina, hopefully it works out " I said holding his hand, he looked up at me " I don't know what's going to happen, she really hates me right now " he said " if you don't mind me asking what did you guys fight about? " I asked " she got pregnant, but not by me " he said and I frowned " I am so sorry, I can't believe she would do that " I said looking down " i guess i just wasn't giving her what she really wanted " he said " don't think that " i said, he looked up at me " why shouldn't i, she cheated on me, obviously because i- " i stopped him from talking " George, please don't think that way, i don't want you to think your not worth it, when you are " i said grabbing his hand " i've lost everything mione, first Fred, now Angelina, and Ginny's gone crazy " he said letting tears go down his face " George, it's gonna be okay, i promise it will " i said sitting closer to him, he looked up

" how do you know? " he asked " i just know " i said " hermione, is it bad, that even though i'm sad Angelina left me, that i'm kinda fine with it " he said " well, is there anything or anyone making you feel that way " i asked " i don't know, i never thought of it that way " he said " well maybe if you think of it, you'll figure it out " i said " yeah " he said with a bit of a smile " anyways i'd better get back to Draco and the kids " i said standing up " yeah " he said standing up aswell " it was really nice seeing you " i said as we hugged " same with you, mione " he said and i smiled " anyways you better get back to Ron " i said and he nodded " probably wants to see his older brother " he said and i chuckled " yeah " i said " anyways, i'll see you later hopefully " i said " for sure " he said then we walked in different directions...

Thanks for reading!!

sorry for short chapter

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