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2 weeks later 

Hermione's P.O.V

We had been training 24/7 for two weeks, getting ready for Castelle to attack, but it seems to not be happening?

I walked down the corridors of Hogwarts, seeing all the 'Guards' aka 7th years, i sighed as i saw a sixth year run down the hallway, freaking out "She's here, she's-she-SHE'S HERE!" the girl screamed, crying whilst running away, i furrowed my eyebrows, running with the Seventh years, to see Castelle, Death Eaters, and the werewolves, including the Briggs, tied up with Knife's to their throats

"Oh my god" i mumbled, walking to the front of the group that had been made,  "Why are you doing this?!" i yelled, she smirked "Because i can" she said "Do it" she said looking at one of the Death Eaters, the girl slit the throat of one of the Briggs, i gasped as so did everyone else, the next death eater was about to do the same "Stop! Stop!, what do you want?! don't kill them!" a 5th year yelled "I want Hermione, if you hand her over, I'll hand the Briggs, and you'll all be safe" she said smiling

"Don't listen to her, she's lying!" Trent said coming to the front "But what if she is saying, is the truth? she'll just let them go" a 5th year boy said "Trust me, she's not telling the truth" Trent said looking at Castelle

"She never tells the truth" he said "We could at least try and save them!" Tris yelled "we will just not by risking another person's life!" Trent said back "Stop! this isn't your choice" i said making everyone look at me

"If it saves them, then hand me over" i said looking at Castelle, she smirked "Let them go, and grab the girl" she said, The Briggs were let loose running to our side, one of the Werewolves came to me, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me to Castelle

"Hermione!" i heard Draco yell, i looked back to see him standing there, confused and Angry "Let her go!" Draco said and Castelle laughed

"She gave herself to me, why should i give her back? now take her back, and when i get there, i want her to be alive not dead" Castelle warned the Death eaters and Werewolves, they looked at her scared but then nodded...

Draco's P.O.V

Castelle stood there, smirking, whilst looking at all of us, "Have a good day" she said smiling, then walked away.

I walked back in side, Harry, Ginny, and Trent running after me "Draco i'm sure, she will be fine, this is Hermione we're talking about" Ginny said and i nodded my head 'no' whilst walking fast down the corridor, i was gonna find out where they took Hermione, and i wasn't gonna back down.

Matthew's P.O.V

I looked at Tris as Max, Cassie, and i walked into Hogwarts after her, she looked happy but acted mad, and we had no idea why "Why are you smiling?" Cassie asked making all of us stop in our tracks, Tris turned to her "No i'm not" she said starting to walk again "yes you were!" Cassie said "No i wasn't maybe you were seeing things" Tris said walking away from the three of us...

Ivy's P.O.V

I couldn't believe what i had just seen, Hermione giving herself up! I ran after Harry, Ginny, and Draco, including this guy named Trent "Why would she do that?!" i yelled making them stop in they're tracks, they looked at me "Because that's something Hermione does saves the others instead of herself" Ginny said, and i sighed "Why would you care anyways, weren't you the one that knew she was drugged" the guy named Trent said.

"I'm not here to fight, i was just asking" i said walking away.

"Ivy!" Harry yelled but i kept walking....

Thanks for reading!

Sorry for taking so long

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