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Ivy's P.O.V

I was starting to get fed up with having to find this women named Rosa Cauldron " Hey, you okay? " Reed asked " yeah, i'm fine! " i snapped it's the 10th time he's asked me in 3 minutes, Reed and i haven't really done anything about our feelings towards each other for a while, and at this point i'm missing Ron, and just want things how they were before the whole kiss thing between Reed and i. Is that bad? No, no this happens all the time to people right?.

I was cut out of my thoughts when Reed sat down beside me " are you alright, your getting really upset lately " he said and i rolled my eyes " i just am not in the mood to look for this girl! i'm done, i'm done, i don't want to do this, i want to be back at hogwarts! with Ron, having fun! " i finally let out my emotions, Reed looked really sad " you still have feelings for him " he said looking down " what?! no, i just- i just am done with this, i don't want to work for Malfoy, i want to have a normal life " i said calming down a bit " then leave! " Reed yelled " if i'm really holding you back from the love of your life! then leave! " he said with tears forming in his eyes " Reed, have you not realised you've been distant when it comes to us? " i said " yeah, i know, i just- i can tell you still like him, and i don't want to hold you back " he said

" i'm really sorry, i'm just really not wanting to work for him anymore, i've become friends with those people almost, and i felt like i actually had a chance for a normal life at wizardry school " i said and he nodded " you can go, i won't mind, i want you to do what makes you happy " he said and i smiled " thank you for understanding " i said hugging him " no problem " he said smiling " i'll see you sometime soon? " i asked packing my suitcase magically " yeah " he said as i grabbed it and walked to the door " i'm gonna miss you, Reed " i said " same for you, Ivy " he said then i walked out...

Hermione's P.O.V

Headmistress Macgonagall had called all the 7th years to the great hall, without our children, i was kinda worried, hope it's nothing bad.

We all sat there for about 2 minutes before Madame Macgonagall started talking

" Seventh years, you know how your children, would live after Graduation, we have found out, that someone had changed everything for our tests, and had sabotaged this project, and that we were wrong, and your kids will not live-, " she said and everyone started looking around " we are so sorry for this mix up, well not mix up, but for whoever who had sabotaged the project, have a good night, and make this the best time of your life before Graduation and real parenthood " she said, i was sad but i was kinda happy, i'm not ready to have 3 kids, i'm still basically a child.

Draco and i sat down on the couch, thinking of what we just found out " maybe this is a good thing, we'll get to adventure before settling down and having kids " i said " yeah, i'll miss them, but i know we'll have kids again one day " he said kissing my forehead " i know " i said smiling " i'm gonna miss them too " i said " anyways lets think of positive things, so the kids don't get worried " Draco said " your right " i said " i'll get dinner going " i said standing up " okay, i'll go get the kids " he said and i nodded.

Ivy's P.O.V

I'm teriffied, i don't know what people will do when i get back to Hogwarts, i stood at the start of the steps, i looked up at the door, everyone would be going to the great hall for dinner in about 20 minutes, so the only chance not to be seen, but still talk to Macgonagall was right now. I hurried down the coridoors, hoping no one will see me espicially Harry, Hermione, or anyone in Ron's family.

I got to Macgonagall's office and nocked " Come in! " she said, at this point i felt like my whole body was shaking, i turned the nob and walked in, she looked up for her desk and her eyes widened " Miss Ivy, what are you doing here? " she asked standing up " i want to apologize for leaving, i want to come back to Hogwarts " i said looking down " Ivy, it's not that simply, everyone thinks that you were the one to kidnap Ron, and people won't be pleased to see you, espicially since he just got back " she said and i looked at her with wide eyes " he's back? " i asked " yes, just got back " she said smiling, i broke down " i did it, i didn't want to but Malfoy said he would kill me if i didn't " i said tears streaming down my face " Malfoy? as in Draco Malfoy? " she asked " No, his father " i said looking at her " he's in azkaban " she said in disbelief " no, he escaped and recruited Reed and i, to kidnap Ron, because he wants to get Luna Lovegood " i said " i think Malfoy, should be here for this conversation " she said

" I'm so sorry, i never wanted Ron to get hurt, same with everyone else " i said " Ginny wasn't crazy " i heard Harry say from behind me, i turned around " Harry? " i said " Ivy, you did this, Ginny was right, but look at where she is now, in a program cause we all thought she'd gone crazy,which she did but not about Ron, and now i've found out you actually did this! " he said angry " i'm sorry " i said " and he wants Luna! why didn't he just take me instead, not my best friend! " he yelled, i jumped getting scared a bit " i-i don't know, he just told me to kidnap Ron or i'd be dead " i said " Mr. Potter calm down " Macgonagall said, Harry huffed " fine, anyways Ron's been asking for you anyways " he said looking at me " Me? what? why? " i asked " i don't know " he said " Ivy, go see Ron, i'll talk to Malfoy and Granger " Macgonagall said and i nodded " thank you " i said looking at her

" Not a problem, but if you do anything like this again, i will have to report you to the ministry for kidnapping or whatever you do " she said and i nodded " i promise i won't, that's why i'm here, i don't want to work for him, and doing things that i don't want to do " i said " okay, now go " she said and i nodded, walking out with Harry.

Ron's P.O.V

I was talking with Mother and family when the doors to the hospital wing opened, we all looked to see Harry and Ivy " Ivy? " i said smiling a bit " Ron " she said smiling a bit back " isn't she the one, that everyone including Ginny blames for what happened to you " Mother said " yes, but- " i started but my mother cut me off " why is she here then, you stay away from my son! " she said pointing at Ivy " Mum, calm down " i said grabbing her arm as she was standing " Ronald, she's the reason Ginny isn't here right now " Mum said " i didn't want to do it! " Ivy yelled catching us all off guard " i only did it because i was threatened to be killed " she said not looking at anyone else but me

" like we'd believe you " Percy said mad " she's telling the truth " Harry said " i overheard her conversation with Macgonagall " he said " she's telling the truth, Mum, i believe her " i said and she looked down at me " why would you believe someone who kidnapped you " she said " because she's my friend, maybe even more, but you can tell she's telling the truth since she was looking me straight in the eye, never looked away " i said and Ivy started blushing a bit " Ron, have you gone completely bonkers? " Percy asked " no he hasn't, he's believing the person he loves " George said looking down at the ground " you okay? " father asked George " i don't know, i think i'm the one who's gone completely bonkers " George said " why? " Percy asked " nothing, i'm gonna go figure it out " George said running out of the Hospital wing " what was that about? " i asked " i have no idea " Mum said " i wonder what " Father said " we'll find out, later " Percy said " Hopefully " i said " anyways i guess we'll leave you two alone, even though i really don't want too" Mother said " thank you " i said and they walked out except for Ivy " I'm so sorry for what i did " she said coming towards me " i know you are " i said as she sat down

" you do? " she asked and i chuckled " yes, even though i went through some horrid things, i still do " i said and she frowned " i know, i completley feel guilty, i never should have done that to you, it's just i was scared " she said " i know, it's okay Ivy, i'm back, that's all i care about, i'm with my family and friends " i said " i'm glad your back, and safe, hopefully Luna is, i would hate if anything happened to her " she said and i nodded " Ivy, did you actually like me? " i asked " yeah, a bit, i had feelings for Reed though, but he's not doing anything about it, and it's really annoying me " she said and i chuckled " well since he can't give you what you want, maybe i can " i said, maybe i am going bonkers, but i love Ivy's company, even after what she did " really, after everything, you'd still want me to be yours? " she asked " I may be going completley bonkers about this, but i don't care, for what you did, i just, i love your company, and i think we could be something, if we truely try " i said and she smiled " Ronald Weasley, i think you are going completley bonkers, but i would love to be completley bonkers with you " she said and i smiled " then will you go out with me? " i asked " of course " she said smiling...

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Soo... what do you think George is thinking he's going completley bonkers for?

find out next chapter

- May :)

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