New Character: Jack Torrance

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(A/N: If anyone who is a fan of The Shining, then this is for you!! You are going to have a dad which is the crazed Jack Torrance!! This is a request by monicagarcica! Thanks for the request and hope you all enjoy!)

How He Meet You:

At the Overlook Hotel, two parents are carrying a newborn baby together as the baby is fast asleep until they saw a frozen person outside of the hedge maze.

"Honey look!!" The dad said

"Oh no.... this poor guy is frozen." The mom said

"You carry our child and I'll bring him to the hotel." The dad said

As the mom carried the baby to the hotel, the dad got the person including the axe and brought the person and warmed up the fire. As the ice melts, the person slowly got up revealing to be Jack Torrance as he growled with insanity.

"Here's Johnny!!" Jack Torrance snarled

Jack raised his axe and push down the mother as she dropped the newborn and hacked her to pieces as the dad screamed with fear as Jack killed him too. The newborn baby wailed scared as Jack calmed down and look at the damage and saw the newborn baby as Jack calmed down and pick up the baby which have E/C eyes and H/C hair.

"Well then looks like I'll have to raise you." Jack said

The baby makes a cute gummy smile as Jack knows the perfect name.

"Y/N will be your name." Jack Torrance smiled

You cooed as he kissed your cheek as he is going to raise you.

Your First Night With Him:

You are an easy baby to take care of as Jack have fed you and even put on a comfortable diaper and begin to burp you as you let out a few cute burps.

"You are so adorable! Yes you are! Yes you are." Jack Torrance cooed

You yawned and rubbed your eyes as he brought you to a makeshift crib and place you in. He then place a small blanket over your body, kissed your forehead and let you fall right to sleep.

Who He Trust To Babysit You:

Jack Torrance doesn't trust ANYONE when it comes to babysitting you.

When He Plays With You:

"Peek-A-Boo." Jack said

You giggled as Jack makes a silly face while playing Peek-A-Boo with you. He continue to play Peek-A-Boo as you giggled more as you enjoyed spending time with your dad.

Your First Word (First Word: Ax):

You are now crawling around the Overlook Hotel to explore as you see Jack holding his ax in his hand. You point to it while smiling at it.

"A-Ax." You said

"Did you just say your first word? Daddy is so proud of you!" Jack smiled

You giggled as Jack dropped the ax and pick you up as he kissed your cheek. He's very proud of you saying your first word.

Your First Steps:

You are now crawling around the Overlook hotel while giggling as you see your dad with some cookies. You slowly got up but fall down on your diapered butt. You started to make a pout but tried again. Once you got up, you take your wobbly steps towards the cookies as Jack smiled.

"That's it. Walk to daddy." Jack cooed

You cooed and walked over and fall into his arms as Jack smiled and gave you the cookie as a reward.

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