New Character: Kayako Saeki

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(A/N: If any of you are The Grudge or Ju-on fans, this is Kayako Saeki and I'm not bringing up the awful remake of The Grudge in 2020. This character is picked by LiTtElKo! Hope you all enjoy this one!)

How She Meet You:

Both parents are wanted criminals and they are now in Japan to keep their identity hidden as they arrived at a creepy household (Pic above cause it's the Saeki household)

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Both parents are wanted criminals and they are now in Japan to keep their identity hidden as they arrived at a creepy household (Pic above cause it's the Saeki household). They both smirked as the mother looked at the newborn with hatred.

"Time for us to leave you here." The mother said

"Bye bye you wretched mistake." The dad said

They both dropped the baby at the entrance of the house, unaware that there is a curse due to the amount of rage. They both quickly leave as the cold wind blew as the newborn baby shivered until a death rattling sound came from the home. The door slowly opens as Kayako crawls down the stairs and noticed the newborn baby. She gently touched the newborn baby with her pale hand as the baby shivered from the cold as her son Toshio appeared and made a haunting meowing sound. Kayako looks at the baby and nodded while carefully picking up the baby as Toshio looked at the baby while nodding yes to Kayako. Kayako then made the door closed as she is going to raise the newborn baby as her own.

Her First Night With You:

After Kayako brought you inside, she brought you over to the bathroom by teleportation and turn on the water with ease and place you into the warm water as you cooed as Kayako bathed it gently as she is finish and placed the diaper on and gave the baby a warm bottle. She thought of a name and wrote it in her diary which is Y/N which made you coo at the name. She is finished feeding you and placed you in a makeshift crib as you fall asleep.

Who She Trust To Babysit You:

Kayako doesn't trust NOBODY when it comes to babysitting you.

When She Plays With You:

Kayako and Toshio are now playing hide and seek with you as Kayako is looking out for you until she sees two baby feet in the closet and she opened the closet to see you in there. She picked you up carefully and you nuzzled into her as Toshio joined in as you love playing hide and seek with your mom and your brother Toshio.

Your First Word (Iary. Diary):

You are now crawling around to the bedroom until you see a diary that belonged to your mother and carefully look at it and cooed.

"I-Iary.. Iary (Diary)!" You said

Kayako appeared and make a small smile as she's very proud of you and pick you up and kiss your nose. Toshio appeared and kiss your cheek as you squealed cutely at your brother giving you kisses.

When She Changed Your Diaper:

You are now playing with your brother Toshio until you whimpered and made a mess in your diaper. Your mom teleported over and pick you up and brought you over to the changing room as she placed you down and remove your onesie and remove the flaps off your diaper. You cooed as Kayako wipes your bottom, powdered it, put some rash cream on your diaper region and place a fresh clean diaper after removing the dirty diaper and place it in the trash. After putting on the clean diaper, she placed on a new onesie and kiss your nose as you babbled cutely with a cute smile.

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