Your First Word

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Jigsaw (AKA John Kramer) (First Word: Ame. Game):

"Come on sweetie. Say dada." Jigsaw said

You tried to say 'dada' but all you did was babble cutely while giggling. You then heard the sound of a guy screaming as you see the man by the name of Cecil Adams.

"What? What do you want?" Cecil asked

"What do I want? I want to play a.." Jigsaw said

"A.. Am.. Ame (Game)!" You said

Jigsaw smiled wide as he pick you up and give you plenty of kisses.

"Oh Y/N. You said your very first word." Jigsaw smiled

As Jigsaw place the tool which is the knife trap, he begin to place noise cancelling headphones on your ears so you won't hear the screams. He felt happy that you said your first word.

Marlow Roderick (Word: Ampire. Vampire):

As Marlow left to do some feeding, he let Iris to watch you. You giggled and make some happy babbles which made Zurial turned around and look at you. He lean down to your height and slowly touch your cheek with his talon finger.

"A-Ampire (Vampire)!" You said

"Yes Y/N, Zurial is a vampire and he should GET AWAY FROM YOU!" Iris hissed

"Ampire!! Ampire!" You said

Marlow came back as Iris came over with you in her hands as Iris told Marlow about you saying your first word.

"Really? Who am I?" Marlow asked

"Ampire!" You said

Marlow let out a big smile on his face as he pick you up and toss you as you giggled happily as he caught you.

"My baby girl said her first word. This calls for a celebration!" Marlow said

You giggled as Marlow kisses your cheek multiple times.

Pennywise (First word: Oat. Float):

You are now crawling around as you saw a balloon floating around the sewer. You cooed as you pointed at the balloon.

"Oat. Oat (Float)." You said

"That's right my whittle girl. Balloons float just like me." Pennywise said

You giggled as Pennywise said your first word.

Mordeo (Word: Eart. Heart):

You are now outside with Mordeo as he found a person who's dead with his intestines removed. You looked to see a beating heart as you point at it.

"E-Eart (Heart)!" You said

Mordeo let out a howl as the Mordeo Queen appeared and howled along with the other Mordeos. They all celebrated with you saying your first word.

LookSee (Word: Iece. Piece):

LookSee then sees a couple grieving over the loss of their child at an accident as they got pictures of the child which is a baby boy with blue eyes and got a stuffed animal.

"I.. Ie.. Iece (Piece)!" You said

LookSee made a demonic purr as he's very happy of you saying your first word.

David (First Word: Ood. Blood):

You are now at the cave with Dwayne waiting for David as Dwayne blows a raspberry on your tummy which made you squeal cutely. He then begin to tickle you as you laughed cutely and smile at him. You begin to see David coming home with blood on his lips and in his chin.

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