The alcoholic father

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"Hey baby!" My father said drunk out of his mind.
He fell over the couch, and laughed. He just got back from another one of his binges at the bar. He has come home drunk twice this week. Each time he has lied to us about where he has been, but we know exactly where he has been.
On Tuesday he claimed he went to the store, but he had no groceries. On Thursday he claimed he went out with his friend Carl, but Carl was in Texas for vacation. And tonight he claimed he was held up at work, but his work closed at 9:00 and it was 10:30.
Tonight I went up to bed, and couldn't fall asleep. All I heard was my dad screaming at my mom. I heard her yell and say, "I will call the police!"
I heard a bang, and I ran downstairs. I saw my mom on the floor and a baseball bat in my dads hand. He didn't see me so I ran back up the stairs, and called the police.
When they came, I saw the blue gurney they pulled out from the ambulance, and I started to cry. They took her to the hospital, my father was put in jail, and I was taken in a police car over to the hospital behind the ambulance.
Thoughts were eating away at my brain as I thought about how my mother was, and where my father was now.

My father is abusive even when he is not drunk, but when he is drunk it makes it even worse. My mother has many scars and bruises from my father. Except every time my father abused her, she would cover it up and take him back. My mother was a very loving, down to earth kind of mother, and my father was the drinking, abusive kind of father. My mother never blamed him for things because she sees good in everyone she sees. My dad took advantage of that. Of course. Whenever he went to the bar, the thought that ran through his head was, " Oh. I can drink as much as I want. She'll take me back." He never realized the pain he caused upon this family. A father is supposed to be a role model, but I have never looked at him in that way. He has always despised me because he wanted a boy, but he got me. He never wanted anything to do with me. My mother was always sweet to me because she knew my father didn't like me. I love my mother, and I couldn't even imagine living without her.

We got to the hospital, and my mother had bandages wrapped around her head. The doctor told me the had to put seven stitches in the gash.

The alcoholic fatherWhere stories live. Discover now