Things could have been better...|Angst

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(TRIGGER WARNING! MENTIONS OF CHILD ABUSE, EATING DISSORDERS, ALCOHOL AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, PANIC ATTACKS, CUTTING, ATTEMPTED MURDER!!! If you are uncomfortable with the things mentioned then I suggest you leave now as this story starts off strong. Lol you can also tell it will be in multiple parts bc of the amount of stuff needed unpacking.{Also, I just wanna let you guys know bc I feel like I should verify this; this is a fan fiction. I bet Sapnap/Nick's father is a wonderful man. But, this is my fanfic and it will go how I make it to.})

Nick's POV
I coughed, lungs burning and legs aching as I dove into the kitchen pantry. My figure just small enough to fit into the empty space at the top, just out of sight. I gently closed the door and curled up fetal position, putting my feet to the wall of the pantry and craned my head to fearfully watch the pantry doors.

I let out shaky, quiet breaths as I watched the doors intently. I couldn't will my body to move a single inch as I heard the familiar footsteps outside the pantry and that sickly sweet voice call my name.
That isn't him.

That thing is not my father. At least, not the one I used to know.

My father was loving and caring, and would put mom and I before the world. But... mother left when I was just 13.

Now look at me... 19 years old and I'm still living at home, shackles of guilt and trauma holding me in place as I watched other boys I knew laugh and go out on the weekends. Going to parties. Hooking up with girls. Whatever.

"Nickolas Armstrong." I flinched at the name. I much preferred using my YouTube name compared to my real one. (I did research. That is actually Sapnap's real name-) I didn't answer. Stay hidden, he won't find you. I could almost hear my mother's voice as she guided me.

Finally, I heard father's footsteps fade away as another wave of confused sleepiness hit him as though he were bipolar.

I crawled slowly out of the pantry. I haven't eaten in a while, but everything I found in that pantry would put too much weight on me. I was told not to eat until father says.

I had to creep up the steps to my bedroom as my father was a light sleeper. However, I was able to get past by avoiding trigger planks that creak too much and closed my door lightly.

Isn't that so damn sad? I'm so scared of him that I remembered every fucking floorboard in the house that creaked. Goddamn I need help, but... father doesn't let me have friends or go outside. Not unless I'm headed to the store to buy him some alcohol.

Jump. W-what the fuck-? Is his mother's voice telling him to kill himself or something?! No, Sapnap, out the window. Go meet people, make friends, your father will be asleep for quite a long time. I hesitate as I lift the window open. After a bit of thinking, I jump out. I trust my mother, whether she's here physically or not.

As soon as I hit the ground, I ram. Rand fast. Ran hard. My lungs burned. I don't know how close my house is to a forest but it's only a matter of minutes before I feel the sting of being lashed and whipped by thin, long branches.

I could hear people up ahead. Loud voices. Laughing, arguing, conversating. I wasn't used to it. I was anxious but also excited to see other people. I lived like Rapunzel after all. My social skills were horrible but hopefully taking this chance to meet other people would pay off.

As the trees cleared out, I came upon a beautiful scene. Peaceful cafés full of families and couples sharing time with each other, shops with children running excitedly through them, men and women walking throughout the streets and along sidewalks. This place looked like heaven on Earth. I don't know how long I stood there, but it was long enough to attract the attention of a group of boys nearby.

A hand lightly touched me and I rose my arms to cover my head out of instinct. "Whoa, hey! Calm down man, I won't hurt you or nothin'." I looked up to stare into a boys sharp emerald green eyes. "A-ah, sorry." I mumble, lowering my arms. The boy smiles, his freckles that were dusted along his cheeks stretching. "Heya, I'm Clay, though my friends call me Dream. You alright there? Lost or anything?"

I quickly shake my head. "Uhm, j-just looking for some friends." My voice was strained and weak from running. "Well, you could hangout with me and my crew. What's your name?" 'Dream' output his hand. I took it and shook it weakly. "Erm, Nick, though I prefer Sapnap." I reply. He nods and drags me over to meet the others in his group.

(Part two in Dream's POV!!! That's it lol, love ya'll)

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