Chapter 28: Diabolical Demons- Part 2

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Author's Note: Hey, guys! So, this chapter may be a little bit more confusing due to the tasks the guests have to do to cleanse the artifact. I will try to make it as simple as I can, so if you get confused, I'm sorry. Also, this chapter will contain a lot of running, a bit of cringe and the demons cursing people. But, enough talk. Let's get on with the chapter!

Your Author, Marbella. <3


"We turn around and see...."


Valentina's POV: 

We turn around and see these three demons in black dresses hastily speed walking towards us, clutching darkened wands.

We all scream and freak out as we all speed off to Laceline Rockette's, away from these people.

We end up breaking through the back door and locking it shut before gathering at a table in the diner.

"I swear, if I have to run any faster again tonight, I might twist my ankle." I sigh, exhausted from what just happened.

"I think we would prefer that, Val." Zach breathed, folding his arms. We all just glared at him.

"But, moving on, I'd best show you what this book and scroll is about before we have a squabble." Loretta denoted, rolling the scroll out on the table.

Oli: 'So, Loretta rolls out this scroll out on the table and we put the Ram Skull in the middle of it. We need these three things to cleanse it; we need the anklet of a fallen demon, an amulet of unicorn horn magic, and the chastity ring of a fallen nun. Now, I don't know where we're gonna get any of this stuff, so I think Loretta's gonna be a big help.'

Lana grabs the book that came with the scroll and opens it.

Inside is two spells; a fog spell and a... transformation spell?

"OK, who needs to shape-shift?" Lizzie asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Oh, no, it's not in that context," Loretta corrected, sticking her hands out.

"The transformation spell is what can help you transform into one of the demon's lovers. You need it to get the unicorn horn and its magic."

"So, I'm guessing we need to split up?" Gear suggested, looking a little puzzled.

We ended up thinking that was the best idea.

Since what we were going to do involved seducing a demon and Loretta had the amulet we needed to keep the magic in, I ended up going with Oli, Lana, and Gear. 

Victor and Heidi ended up going with Zach and Lizzie to get the fallen demon's anklet.

Gear ripped out the page of the book containing the fog spell and gave it to Lizzie whilst we took the rest of the book.

After a quick run, we ended up at the bridge, which leads to the church and the cemetery.

There was a note attached to the bridge, which Oli grabbed and read.

It read:

'The demon Lassie was known for two things in the Demons Games; seducing men and shattering dreams. To earn her place as one of the Delamont Mistress' servants, she broke the unicorn horn of one of her adversaries, removing its corruption needed to advance. To claim the unicorn horn and take its magic, one of you must use the transformation spell, seduce Lassie and lock her in the mausoleum.

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