Chapter 4:Seeking help.

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"Thank you, sir." I smile humbly up at the old man behind the counter as I grab the silver object out of his hand.

"The least I could do for a child with such beauty. Now, you tell me if you need anything. Anything, alright?"

"Okay." I send the man another heart warming smile, before waving at him, from across the room. "Thanks, again."

The old man waves his hand in the air as I tumble the key around In my palm, taking in my surroundings.

The lobby was kept decent, as were the people lounging in it. Mac books were spread across each little pristine, glass table top, being typed away on, by furiously focused humans, highly strung in their work lives, and little rich, snobby, teenage girls, downing there cup of Starbucks coffee.

This seemed like my kinda place. It was not exactly the cheapest venue on the block, but it was the only venue that met my expectations and I sure as heck was not going to be sleeping in some rat infested shack, with lame excuses of a bed. A girl such as me, knew the importance of being well rested.

I walk down the red carpeted hallway and unlock my door. The look of the room was expected. The bed was neatly made in a white set of sheets. Small chocolate mints adored the fresh pillows, and each piece of furniture was completely freed of any potential dust.

I sigh, and lay my bag down in the floor next to the door, closing it with my back. I had only had time to pack a small bag, filled with my over night necessities and a few extra pairs of afternoon wear. I did not have any idea how long I was planning to stay, and the thought of not knowing had me biting at my nails, a nasty habit I had left behind years ago.

I grab the tv remote off of the sleek black dresser and plop myself down on the soft, plush mattress. I needed this. I needed a break. Everyone needed a break at some point or another. The human mind was only built to withstand so much and a break just so happened to be necessary right about now.

I sigh in discontent, not finding anything on television remotely interesting. I look to my right, where a large bay window withstood. The view was quite nice, as was the rest of London. America was great while I lived there, but London... Something about London just ignited a new spark of adventure in me. As a girl from California, I appreciated the architecture of the buildings that towered over me as I walked down the nice, clean sidewalks, usually with an umbrella in hand.

Sighing in content, I bury myself in the soft, white duvet and let my eyes flutter shut, while my mind drifted off into sleep.


"God, you don't know how bad I wanna fuck you." The intense, sexual words slipped past my swollen lips before I could even register what I had said. I was too busy marveling at the petite blonde beneath me to care anyway.

"What's stoping you baby?" She gives me a cheeky smile before reaching up and wrapping her arms around my neck, connecting our lips with a lust filled, hungry kiss.

Something about this girl drove me absolutely nuts. And I mean up the fucking wall.

I found this amusing, because in reality, I couldn't stand her prude, arrogant persona, but in bed, Fuck. In bed she was a damn animal and I needed some thrill in my life. I could put up with her cockiness if she made up for it at the later hours of the day, and fuck. She did.

As our kiss deepened, her long manicured nails trailed up and down my naked back, sending chills coursing through each and end of my body. I had to give the girl credit for knowing what she was doing, and for knowing that she knew what she knew she was doing.

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