Chapter 3: Easy, Darling.

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"I just do not freaking get it." Sighing, I sit back on the plastic clad couch ( Louis' parents were neat freaks ), infuriated by the man In front of me. His eyes were squinted and his face was a pale red color. I had only seen him like this maybe once or twice my whole life. The ungodly look was defiantly a rarity. It was just so un-Louis. The lad was always happy. Litterally, Always happy, like every hour of the day. He was known for his enchanting smile, and awing eye wrinkles, but this, was not something I was used to, and I was in no place to deny my sudden fear.

"What don't you get Bella? Do you have any idea how you made her feel?! That's my sister! She's not just some prude bitch, and I know you know that!"

"Of course."

"Of course?! Of course?! Out all the billions of words you had to chose from, you chose "of course"?Does any of this even matter to you?"

"Don't even ask me that question." At this point, tears sprung in my eyes. I knew he was only asking to further the pain of agonizing guilt I was suppose to be drowning in. I loved Lottie to death, and he knew it. It almost broke my heart listening to the vulgar, hurtful, yet physically harmless words coming out of his mouth.

"Why not Bella? Because Im up to hear in confusion." My eyes follow his hand as he lifts it in the air, above his head. "Lottie is my sister! My family has done so much for you! I have done so much for you, Bella. This- what you did to her, makes me wonder if you ever even cared. After everything. Everything!"

My facial features take a sudden, dramatic drop south, causing my jaw to slacken up. He was hitting home and striking a few nerves. He knew it to. He knew what to do to hurt me, and I know dang well that is what his intentions are. After what his family did- what he did- I thanked him everyday. Verbally, physically, mentally, anyway I possibly could. It meant the world to me- more than that really, That I had a family like his; That my mother could grieve in comfort, and that each night, we had a warm, steamy meal sitting on the table waiting on us. Mr. and Mrs.Tomlinson did everything in there power to take care of me; My mother to. They took us in. Gave us a place to live, food to eat, arms to cry in, and beds to sleep on. They were unbelievably thoughtful, and honestly, even If I wanted to, I could not have asked for a better family. It may not be my actual family, but they sure filled the void hole that ate away at me for years.

Louis was just taking it to far this time. So I hurt his sisters feelings? They are feelings. It is not a life or death situation. I did not physically harm her, shoot, I did not even say anything to her.

"You know what?!"

"No. I don't. Please. Enlighten me." The sassy prick crosses his arms, resting them on his upper torso, sending me a devil worshiping smile. God, the looks this boy could give.

"You are unbelievable." The tone rolling of my tongue did not sound nearly as good as I had hoped it would. It had been awhile since I had been in a brutal argument with someone. Much less scream at them. And going against louis- The sass master himself, was impossible.

"Oh, really? You sure I'm the one being unbelievable?"

"Yes. Your blaming me for this when- When it is not even my fault!" I throw my hands down in rage, standing up from the couch, facing Louis. "Ok, so, I looked at your sisters "boyfriend" for like two seconds. Two seconds, Louis! People look at people! That's just what they do! That's why God blessed us with these gifts- these things called eyes!" I open my eyes wide, pointing at them to further justify my point. Looking hopelessly insane, or not, my point was going to get proven.

Louis continues to stare at me with a smirk on his face like I'm just some deranged, rabid animal standing in the middle of his living room, attempting to scream at him. Moments later, after trying to defeat the deadly Tomlinson stare, I give up and grab my purse of the table.

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