Chapter 2: Indulgence

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His eyes.

Lord, his eyes were what killed me the most, throwing me down against the cold tiled floor as they repeatedly slammed aimlessly into my soul, taking every bit of air my lungs were capable of inhaling, out- with nothing but an effortless, and simple bat of his mocha colored eyelashes.

He stared at me with such an ease, it was almost unnerving. He knew what he was doing, and he knew he was doing it well. I just knew he did. And yet, knowing of all the power held behind his glowing iris', he continued to impale me, blink after blink.

I didn't know this man, and he sure as heck didn't know me, but the way he was looking at me, felt abnormal. Hopelessly, and undyingly strange. It wasn't something I'd ever felt before, and it sure as heck wasn't something I'd planned on feeling, or thinking. Was I feeling this, or was it all just in my head? No. I was defiantly feeling it... and thinking about it.

It wasn't a butterfly-ey feeling in the pit of my stomach, or a gooey feeling in the midst of my heart. It was just an uncomfortable and awkward feeling surging through every inch of my body, like a live wire. I wanted nothing to do with the man standing before me, and yet, I couldn't break the trance between the two of us.

I found myself not even able to go as far as comprehending my next valid move. My awkwardness was beaming at her brightest right about now, involunteerly sending every single nerve in my tingling body into an overwhelming sensation, that left me frozen, and completely unable to move- even the smallest inch.

It was a horrendously mortifying feeling coursing through my scarlet blood. I hadn't felt it in so long, I had forgotten how excruciating it was. I worked so dang hard all throughout my life to maintain, and have power over every little detail, to insure that i, and everyone around within a thousand feet of me, were flawlessly happy. The mere fact that something as simple as an eye- something that literally everyone had- could instantly cause the strongly build fort to crumble down was to much to take in. Heck, I couldn't take it in.

I wouldn't let it crash down. I didn't even know this man. There was no way I was willingly gonna let him take control.

Louis was vigorously tapping on my shoulder to get my attention, and lord, if I could find the power in myself to slap the blue out of his eyes, I would.

I was completely aware of my surrondings, thus the reason I could tell Lottie was staring at me, extremely intensely, and the reason I was about ready to kill dear ole' Louis. The look on lotties face was one i'd never seen. I'd know this girl for years. We had an unbelievable bond. I knew almost every facial expression that ever crossed her angelically blessed face. This time around though , her blue eyes were filled with confusion, and I felt bad. I wasn't doing this on purpose. I sure as heck didn't want, to be staring at the freak show standing next to her. It wasn't anything I could help, and I didn't have a way of telling her that. I knew without a logical reasoning, her thoughts would get the best of her, it happened to everyone, and until I could fathom words, that's exactly what would be happening.

Lottie had always been an overly sensitive character. That's what made her her. Anything less would have been considered a felony.

Lottie would tend to take things straight to the heart, without searching for a reasonable explanation. She would just assume you were serious, no matter what came out of your mouth.

It mad Lottie furiously hard to love.

The world is a dark, gruesome place, i, as a human, call home. Do I want to except the fact that I have no other choice? No other realm that openly excepts human life? Of course not. But I do anyway, because that's just how you get by in life.

jokes were the one thing that let me excape for a mere second. I could forget about everything. I'd stop worrying about my cover up, and just laugh for two seconds. It was a get away- a short one at that, but God was I blessed to have it. It pained me to think Lottie never experienced the God-given gift.

I was an exceptionally serious person. I'd worked my butt off for years. There was no way in the most cruelest hell out there, that I'd let one little, microscopic slip up mess up something that took me a good solid eight years to complete. I had everything- and I mean everything controlled and I planned on keeping it that way, but sometimes, just every once in while, it was nice to just sit back and take a much needed breather.

And this made me wonder. So, with all the power vested in me, I shifted my gaze to the petite blonde, standing with a hand on her hip.

Somewhere in the depths of Lottie's deep, azure eyes, I could see it. I could see the pleading little girl begging. Begging for indulgence. She was only a few months away from being a full fledged adult. Lottie had worked hard. I know she did. She graduated highschool with a 4.0 and had her ride to college ahead of her. She was bright and intelligent. Her parents approved of everything she did. She made sure her parents approved of everything she did. But this, this was a dramatic step. Lottie wasn't under her parents control anymore. This was her way of acknowledging the freedom. She could do anything she wanted, and although everyone knew she wouldn't choose anything stupid, she wanted them to know that it was her choice.

I understood this. I was an adolescent once, and I knew the importance of feeling like your own person. It sculpted you into who you where.

But why choose him? I hated questioning lottie, but really? Him?

Out of the billions of people roaming the world, why choose a deadbeat scumbag?

"Something bothering you, darling?"

I feel my cheeks grow beat red, as my insides yearn, twitching, and spasing out, sending sharp electric currents down every inch of my stagnant body.

Continuing to look at Lottie, I answer with a simple "No. Not at all."


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