Sakura Kiss: chapter 15; Honey-senpai's Three Bitter Days! (Part 1)

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Oh my gosh! Have you seen the new cover?! ( I'm sure you have since my last update was months ago :/ ... sorry about that) -ShatteredRose- made it for me!!! Follow her!!! She is amazing!!!

Sakura Kiss: chapter 15; Honey-senpai's Three Bitter Days!

(Sakura's POV)

"Head... ache." Sayuri groans, rubbing her temples. "I wasn't ready for this." She groans.

"I don't really think anyone was ready for a visit from Haruhi's God sister." I reply in a whisper.

Hiromi is sitting on the couch opposite our group with a cup of tea in her hand and Haruhi by her side. She hasn't left Haruhi's side since arriving yesterday, I think she even went to her house after school.

"So, Hiromi, you're Haruhi's God sister?" Tamaki-senpai asks. Hiromi nods her head.

"Yep!" She replies with a smile. "And I'm so happy I found her! I had a feeling she'd be at Ouran Academy, she was always so smart."

"So miss Masami, it says here that you had originally enrolled to join at the start of the year, why are you only joining now?" Kyoya-senpai asks. Being Kyoya-senpai, he is sitting off the side a little away from the rest of the group, his Pineapple laptop on the desk in front of him. He types away not even looking in our direction while waiting for a reply.

"Simple, mr stickybeak, I was on a martial arts tour." She replies. Sayuri mumbles something inaudible under her breath.

"So you'd waste your parents money that got you into this school just to go on a tour that requires no academic brain power?" Kyoya-senpai asks. I frown.

"That wasn't very nice, Kyoya-senpai." I comment. He doesn't respond. Loud sniffling to my right catches my attention and I look to see Honey-senpai with tears streaming down his face.

"Is Kyo-chan saying I'm silly for doing martial arts?" Honey-senpai sniffles.

"No of course not! Right Kyoya-senpai?" Sayuri says and glares at the dark haired boy. Seeming to have noticed his mistake, Kyoya-senpai stands up and approaches the group.

"That isn't what I meant Honey-senpai." He states. Honey-senpai looks up at him with big, teary eyes. Mori-senpai stands protectively behind him, behind the couch with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Then what did you mean?" Sayuri asks and stands up too. "Whatever it was, I suggest you apologise to Honey-senpai, Mori-senpai and me."

"And Hiromi." I say and she shrugs.

"Sure, whatever, her too." Sayuri puts her hands on her hips and taps her foot impatiently.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean offend you." He says, looking from Honey-senpai to Mori-senpai and then to Hiromi, but completely ignoring Sayuri.

Sayuri's eye twitches and she glares at him. I send her a look telling her to just let it go. Sayuri glares at me before flipping Kyoya-senpai the bird and storming out.

"Sayuri!" I call and run after her. She pulls the door shut and I skid in an attempt to stop, but I end up bumping into it, making a loud thud when I do. "Ow..." I mumble, a headache quickly forming.

Someone places their strong, yet gentle, hands on my shoulders. I look up to see Mori-senpai looking down at me with concern. He doesn't say anything, but no words are needed, his eyes say everything.

"I'm fine." I smile reassuringly. He nods.

"Ok." He says, his deep voice almost sending shivers down my spine.

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