Sakura Kiss: chapter 1; Meeting The Host Club

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I would like to thank Nerdy_Otaku22. She have me the inspiration to write this because of her OHSHC fan-fic, Pocky Loving Little Devil. You should check it out!

Sakura Kiss: chapter 1; Meeting The Host Club

(Sakura's POV)

Nope, this place is too loud too. I think to myself as I look into the fourth library room. The students are all talking to each other happily, with no regard for the people who want to study. I sigh and close the door.

My long blond fair falls and covers my green eyes so I can't see, so I tuck it behind my ear. I quickly straighten out my expensive, yellow school dress and continue to look for a quiet place to study.

I reach an abandoned music room. This might be the only place I can study. I think to myself as I open the door. Rose petals flow out in a spiral and fly past me.

"Welcome!" A group of guys say. When I opened the door, I found... The Host Club.


My eyes widen as I stare at the host club in front of me.

"It seems we have a new guest, gentlemen. Come in, princess." A tall boy with blond hair and purple eyes says as he holds a red rose out to me. I take a step back.

"Oh, sorry. I thought nobody was using this room. I just wanted to find a quiet place to study." I say as I take another step back.

"Sakura?" Someone with short brown hair and brown eyes says. I look at them.

"Haruhi?" I ask surprised. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm part if the host club." Haruhi explains.

"But the host club consists of boys and your a girl!" I exclaim. Everyone in the host club, excluding Haruhi, jump in surprise.

"You know Haruhi's a girl?" Two boys with orange hair and brown-orange eyes say in unison. I recognise them from my class.

"Oh, hi Hikaru, hi Kaoru." I say waving to them. The tall boy with blond hair turns to them.

"You know her?" He asks them. They nod.

"Yeah, she's new to our class. She talks to Haruhi a lot but whenever we get close enough to hear them, she leaves." They say in unison, shrugging.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Sakura Niko. I am new to Ouran Academy. I'm an honour student and started about a week ago. I couldn't start at the start of the school year due to illness." I tell everyone.

"I am Tamaki." The tall boy with blond hair says. "This is Honey." He says pointing to a short boy with blond hair and brown eyes. "This is Mori." He says pointing to a tall boy with short dark hair and grey eyes. "This is Kyoya." He says pointing to a tall boy with short dark hair and glasses. "And you know the twins and Haruhi." He says pointing to Hikaru and Kaoru, then to Haruhi.

"Hello." I say, waving to all of them with a smile. They smile back. "I'm sorry to disturb you, I was just trying to find a quiet place to study." I explain to them.

"Funny how some things just keep popping up." Haruhi says with a small laugh.

"What do you mean?" I ask her, confused.

"Just like you, I was looking for a quiet place to study when I stumbled across the host club. I broke an expensive vase and I am in the host clubs dept. I am paying them back by being a host." She explains. I laugh.

"Well, lets hope I don't brake an expensive vase. I can't exactly be a host, people know I'm a girl." I say laughing. "Well, I best be going." I say turning around to leave.

"Hey! Come back here Saku-chan!" Honey says as he comes up behind me and jumps on my back. I stumble but manage to regain my balance. "Your like Haruhi! Your a superhero!" He says happily.

"I'm not a superhero. I wish I was so then I would have superpowers!" I say as I raise my fist in the air. "Superhero!" I yell as I run around with my fist in the air and Honey-sempi on my back. Honey laughs and I laugh too.

"Hey, Saku-chan, you wanna have some cake with me?" Honey asks me, still laughing.

"No thanks." I say still laughing, as Honey jumps off my back. He smiles

"Are you sure? We have lots of yummy flavours!" He says with a big smile.

"I can't afford it. I could barely scrap up enough money for the school uniform." I tell him.

"We won't charge you." Honey says happily. Kyoya seems annoyed but doesn't say anything. Honey jumps back up on my back and wraps his arms around my neck. "Now will you eat cake with me Saku-chan?" He asks excitedly. I smile.

"Yes! Cake! Cake! Everybody, everybody we've got cake, cake, we've got cake!" I sing happily. I remember the song from a show I used to watch when I was younger.

Mori stares at us with interest. I smile and wave to him. He nods in return.

"Honey-sempi, how do you know Mori-sempi so well?" I ask him.

"Takashi is my cousin." Honey says happily. My jaw drops as I stare at Mori. Meh. I think to myself and shrug.

"Superhero!" I yell and run around like a maniac with Honey still on my back. I hear giggles and turn to the sound. There are girls in school uniform flooding in through the doors I entered through.

"Honey-senpai, your customers are waiting for you." Kyoya says as he walks over to us. "Everyone else has already begun to meet with their clients." He continues. Honey hugs my neck tighter and lets out a cry.

"But I want to play with Saku-chan!" He says while he hugs me tighter and tighter.

"Honey-senpai, your choking me." I choke out. He loosens his hug slightly. I take a deep breath.

"Hey Honey-senpai, where's Usa-chan?" Haruhi asks Honey as she walks over. Honey gasps and jumps off my back. Mori casually walks over and holds out a pink, stuffed bunny to, a very frantic, Honey-sempi.

"Usa-chan!" Honey yells as he takes the bunny from Mori. Honey smiles, climbs up Mori and sits on his shoulders.

"Mitsukuni, our guests are waiting." Mori says to Honey as he walks in the direction of some giggling girls. Honey waves goodbye to me and I wave back.

"Hey Haruhi, how long have you been in the host club?" I ask her curiously.

"I was forced to join only very recently." She says flatly. I look behind her and I my eyes widen. I tap her on the shoulder and point behind her. She turns and sees that three girls are staring at us with intense eyes.

"Those are my clients. Sorry, I have to go." She says as she walks over to the three girls. She waves goodbye and I wave back. I turn around to leave only to bump into Hikaru and Kaoru.

"Oh, hi!" I greet them cheerfully. They smile at each other and then at me.

"Hi, Sakura." They say in unison.

"Hikaru! Kaoru!" Somebody yells from behind me. I turn and see Tamaki-senpai running over. He stops just behind me. I move to the side and he steps closer to the twins. "I know you two shady twins did something to Haruhi! Where is she?" He yells furiously.

"Relax boss, she's over there with some customers." They both say as they point over to the three girls. They are all sitting at a table with Haruhi. Tamaki relaxes.

"We realise your not very bright." Hikaru starts.

"But we didn't think you were so stupid as to not look for Haruhi with her guests." Kaoru finishes. Tamaki just stares at Haruhi and her guests with wide eyes and an open mouth. I laugh at him.

"Bye guys!" I say as I wave goodbye to them and walk out the door.

Hmm, I'm going to have to visit this host club more often. I think to myself happily as I walk away from the interesting host club. I look back at the closed doors to music room three. Yep, definitely going to visit them again, and soon. I didn't get to eat any cake!

This is my very first fan-fic. What do you think? Please leave a comment to let me know.

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