Sakura Kiss: chapter 11; A day in the life of the Fujioka Family

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Sakura Kiss: chapter 11; A day in the life of the Fujioka Family

(Third Person POV)

The boys from the host club stand outside an old and rusty shack with wide, shocked eyes.

"This is where Haruhi lives?" Hikaru asks shocked.

"This can't be right." Tamaki says, staring at the shack. The door on the shack rattles and slides open to reveal a dirty Haruhi.

"Hey guys, why don't you come in?" Haruhi asks in a weak voice. They all reluctantly enter the small shack. A flickering light hangs from the ceiling. "I know it's small but, please, make yourselves at home. I'll make us some tea." Haruhi says as they all sit down and she pours some tea into chipped bowls and measuring cups. She hands them out to everyone.

"Hey boss, what's going on? She lives here?" Kaoru asks.

"Maybe it's some kind of set, like in the movies?" Hikaru says hopefully.

"I-I-I I hope so." Tamaki stutters. "Calm down you guys, I bet this is the store room. I bet the informant cosmos is just behind that closet." Tamaki says.

"Then shouldn't we try to open it?" The twins ask in unison.

"Now's not the time." Tamaki say quickly. The twins nod.

"Since you decided to come over at lunch time, my dad said it'd be rude not to offer you something to eat." Haruhi says weakly as she shakily reaches into a cabinet. "We fasted for three days to save up enough money to get something suited to your taste." She shakes a little then turns to them with a small smile. "But, it was all worth it as long as you guys like it." She pulls out a clear container. "Ta da!" She says in a slightly louder voice. "A sushi sampler. It was marked down at the supermarket. How about that?" She says with a shaky laugh. Everyone, except Haruhi, stares at the packet.

"I'm sorry we came to visit, Haru-chan! Don't make us eat it!" Honey cries. Tamaki and the twins start eating it with tears in their eyes.

"Come on men. Haruhi has suffered for our benefit, so it's the least we can do." Tamaki says as he picks up a piece of sushi.

"But sir, I'm not even sure this is fish!" Kaoru exclaims with sushi in his mouth. He tires not to spit it out.

"Oh wow! Is this a piece of fancy tuna? I've never tasted it until now." Haruhi says excitedly as she picks up a piece of tuna. Tamaki watches her with wide eyes as she places the tuna in her mouth. She smiles happily. "It's delicious."

"What?!" Tamaki freaks out. "No Haruhi! That's just regular old tuna, it's by no means fancy!" Tamaki shouts as he sits up in his bed. He looks around his room with wide eyes. "It was just a dream." He sighs in relief.

Tamaki quickly gets changed into his school uniform and rushes down the stairs in his house.

"Good morning master Tamaki. Is there anything I can get for you?" The chief of staff asks Tamaki as he quickly walks to the front door. He slows down to reply to her.

"I have to get going, please bring the car around front." Tamaki says and a servant bows and leaves to get the car ready.

"I'm sorry to bother you master Tamaki but, what you you like for breakfast?" The chief of staff asks.

"I don't want any! I've already told you I have to get going!" Tamaki screeches. I can't get that nightmare out of my head. What if Haruhi really is living in poverty? I have to get the truth out of her, I have to get to school. Tamaki thinks worriedly.

"Hold it right there master Tamaki!" The chief of staff says. "I can't let you leave the house like that. You're still wearing your pyjama bottoms and your house slippers!" She says and Tamaki stops walking and suddenly shouts as he runs up the stairs. He comes back down and stops in front of the chief of staff.

DISCONTINUED - Sakura Kiss (OHSHC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now