Part 13- In The Waterpark

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Taehyung's pov

"My brother and I love this song so much
It's just super awesome..", she continued.

"Yeah, he made me a fan as well", I told.


The ride was long and full of enthusiastic songs as we realized that we had some chemistry developed between us in the short time span.

At times she fed me snacks I brought for the trip while I was driving and in the course.. Sometimes her fingers brushed my lips.
Honestly, it sends a sensation of chills down my spine everytime that happens.

This is particularly the reason I decided to bring her along.

I know this trip might get burdensome for her after reaching the spot... But I couldn't help but want to take her along.

"So we're here", I said as we jumped out of the car excited for the trip.
"Waaa.. I've never been to this one before", she said checking out the huge cartoon statues inside which were being visible from the gates.

So this is how beautiful she looks when she is happy.

"Stay here, I'll go get the tickets for us", I told her sprinting away to join her back as fast as I could.


Y/N's pov

While I was looking at the funny and creative architecture of the castle-themed exterior of the park which enclosed lots of fun rides and pools, I was taken aback by a familiar figure which was tall enough to be recognized from afar.

Along with it, were two much shorter females in floral summer dresses while the former only had a black tank vest and green-ish shorts on.

The trio noticed something similar too and taking off their sunglasses to stare harder at me, started walking towards me leaving me with no option to escape the place using my 'sorry-I-didn't-notice-you' card..

As the scenery grew clearer, I figured that I reckoned them correctly as Jerry approached me with open arms and enveloped me in a hug while the other two watched from afar.

"Oh y/n... You came", she looked at me with wide eyes.
"Umm..", before I could say anything, Mina, who was a part of the trio held the man's hand saying,
"So this was whom V was so excited to bring....srsly what's wrong with his choice now??"

I chose not to respond to her assertion and moved my eyes towards Yunho, who was the third company.
A moment later, he turned his eyes towards me. The moment our eyes met, a current raced between them making us instantly look away.

I dont hate him.
It's just that.... I'm embarrassed of what I did that day.

In the heat of the moment, I remember I had badly confessed my feelings for him.
But.... he has Mina now, why would he even think of me.
He must even be hating to see me right now.

Thoughts flooded my mind as I was interrupted by an extremely vague statement by Mina.

"No hard feelings but Y/n, I'd like you to stay away from my Yunho... Its just.. You guys just broke up and who knows if you still feel for each other", Mina brutally stated her feelings to which Yunho awed, "babe?".

"Ah... I don't plan to do anything like that.. Hehe", I awkwardly laughed in the suffocating situation before I was replenished by a familiar hand across my shoulder, pulling me in a side hug. It was Taehyung who stood beside me with 2 more tickets,
"don't worry.. I've taken the responsibility of her happiness you don't have to worry mina... Unless you're jealous of her being with me", he winked at her teasingly.

"Don't tell me you hooked up with this dork right after breaking up with my Yunho", she shot up a questioning glare at me accompanied by Yunho.

"No no we're just-", I was cut off by Taehyung saying, "relax Satan..I brought my friend on a vacation you don't have to worry about your boyfriend being in danger...unless of course if YOU are jealous.."
We all started fake laughing,

Mina was fake laughing to conceal how pissed off she was. Taehyung was fake laughing to assert his dominance, I was fake laughing to lessen the sudden amount of awkwardness and Yunho was fake laughing because... Maybe he felt something he wanted to hide.


"Let's go to the dry rides section first", Jerry jumped in excitement clicking my social switches on making me follow her lead.

We went towards a large open area filled with various different rides.
The height of the Ferris wheel almost left all of us open mouthed.

"I love the scary ones", Taehyung stood next to me as if he was hinting me to go all out.
Passing a smirk at him, I grabbed his hand and went running towards a roller coaster whose tracks were nearly touching the sky at some points.

The others decided not to join us on the death trap as Jerry and Mina decided to go on a normally tall circular one.

We showed our wrist bands to the authority before choosing the second row of seats to place our excited butts while anxiety made us hold each other's hand tightly.
The ride started.
Taehyung looked at me for the first two seconds of the ride...following which we did nothing but scream.

After about five seconds on a straight track, the roller coaster went uphill rapidly first...and then slowed down consistently.
Bringing us to the edge of the uphill track where we could see almost the whole park which was large enough including some of the suburbs, the ride stopped for three seconds before literally throwing us off the cliff.

The ride rapidly went down as if hell broke if its rent was due and I was hit by a realization

I never wanna swing like spiderman.

The fall resulted in almost loss of my sane consciousness as I realized i was cupping both of Taehyung's large hands in mine... Grabbing them tightly as I was scared for my life.
He looked at me as the ride again started going upwards after making a swinging turn, and said,

"Wahhh I forgot how fun this was", as he along with everyone one the ride closed their eyes once again before howling about the fall approaching again.

The ride only lasted for eight minutes and yet.. It felt like an eternity.
Some people were seen dizzily walking or even holding their heads from the impact.. But many others including us, came out stumbling while laughing at how much fun it was.

"Now we need to adjust our brains back", he laughed whole heartedly which caused his nose to scrunch upwards.

"bold of you to assume that I have one", I tried being funny for the man in front of me without realizing that I took the joke upon myself.

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