Part 16- Stargazing

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"yeah I'll let you on a secret if you come there", he winked at me while I kept staring at his face, which looked very attractive to me in that dim street light vision.

"look ahead", he gasped as he held the steering wheel...

Making his warm palm rest over the back of my hand.

He decided to not move his hand back as I showed no signs of displeasure. We stayed like this for a minute until my mentally LOST ass was astonished by a flash of lights blinking at me.
Since both of us were super absorbed in thoughts, the car swayed like a dandelion in the wind before coming to a halt.
Yunho woke up, surprised, and shouted,
"Am I alive?? Are we in heaven?? Oh shit it's so dark this must be the way in between."

Taehyung looked me, understanding that the situation arose because of our silly little moment wherein none of us focused on driving.
He apologized to the half-awaken Yunho and the girls, who seemed absolutely uninterested in the events and preferred sleep over life or death.

"Let me drive from here", Taehyung suggested.. "I'm fully awake now", he chuckled while getting out of his seat, exchanging places with me, who was still shocked by the impact of what-could've-happened.

"Relax... Its fine since we've made out alive", he looked at me with a softened look.

Why is he being so overly sweet to me.
Contrary to how he looks at people around him, I've noticed him looking at me with a different air.

I smiled back at him before continuing the answer to his question.
"I'd love to... Hear you sing", I sounded awkward in the silent car, already shied by him acting like he knew why I lost focus on driving.

To make things lighter between us, I decided to nod off to sleep by lowering my seat before I was interrupted by him putting on a duck face,

"YAHH don't leave me alone.

I didn't sleep the whole time you were driving to keep you company.", he sulked like a kid making faces.

"You didn't sleep because you worried about your car being wrecked by me", I sharply looked at him while turning to face towards him.
The air about him is different from other times... His tone feels tender and caring.

I'm glad he took me out today.. My mind needed this vacation.

"Thank you, Taetae.", I directed some unclear words at him and turned my head away pretending to sleep, while it felt like he took some glances at me and focused on driving.


"Look at the sky", he suddenly said.
I supposed it was directed at me and opened my eyes to see Yunho's large head right next to mine.
The fact that he didn't even flinch when I was this close to him, disturbed me.

"Oh you're up... Look at the sky", Taehyung said to me.
It was a starry night with a cold breeze flowing outside which seemed to be tenderly caressing the dark leaves on the trees at night as it looked like they danced with happiness, and we were mere audience, mesmerized by a scenery uncommon in the city.

"Wanna get out?", Taehyung directed a question at me.

Nodding, I grabbed the door open and went outside towards the bonnet of the car.
Taehyung was seen getting out, followed by a stumbling Yunho.

"It's so pretty I could come here everyday", I stayed my honest feelings while being lost in the moment.

"then let's do that", a deep voice quietly said without making eye contact with me.

I could see a change in Yunho's face at this remark, but we were so lost in the bigger picture that we didn't care about feelings for the time being.
I wish what Taehyung said could be true.
I want to go on drives like this, and explore places like this, with someone I love.



The day of the concert was here.

What should I wear to a concert?
wondering so, I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and my black cropped hoodie with an alien graphic on the left side, and paired them with black converse.

Too emo?

I then took out a pair of high waisted jeans and wore it along an over sized sweater with pink shoes... Too girly?

Should I wear something fancy?... No no
Wait.. Why am I trying to make myself look good.
It's not a date... He's just gonna perform.

I mean yeah.. Its a big deal but.... I should I just wear these...

I finally chose an outfit consisting of high waisted jeans, a lavender blouse and paired it with my favorite white sneakers.

Let's just go with this.

I checked my phone to see,

*Jeong Yunho*
2 unread messages*

"Hey, you comin today?"

"Meet me there I have to talk to you.
Is about me and Mina."

"okay, I will", I replied, thinking what could he have to say to me.


"I'm Here", I texted Yunho which he seemed to have seen at the speed of light as if he was waiting for me.
After a minute's wait I saw Yunho, rushing through the crowd making his way towards me. I immediately recognized him because of his black attire with a black cap on his head which explained about his style a lot.

"Oh.. Hi", he awkwardly said.

I could tell something was off because of the tone of his shy voice definitely not matching his personality.

After the greetings, he suddenly tightened his posture and following a gulp he started, "So it's about Me and Mina...
Idk nowdays I'm fee-", he was cut mid sentence by Taehyung, who happily jumped behind me, putting his arms around my shoulder exclaiming...

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