Lucky Bamboo

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Sykkuno's POV
Warm arms were wrapped around my waist and back. My bare legs were twined with Corpse's covered ones as our bodies pressed up against one another. The steady rhythm of Corpse's heartbeat drummed in my ear, putting me at ease. His breath fanned through my hair and tickled my scalp, forcing a soft giggle to escape me. I quickly tried to muffle the sound with my hand, not wanting Corpse to wake up.

I peered up at his face to make sure he wasn't awake and was met with a peaceful expression.

I could only hold my breath as I continued to stare at him, wanting to engrave this sight in my mind forever. Butterflies in my stomach began to flutter with his every exhale. The longer I looked at him, the more nervous I felt. It was like a wave of nerves crashing into me. My heart always thumped a little faster around him and my hands felt a little sweatier too.

I couldn't really describe how Corpse made me feel. The way his eyes sparkled at every word I spoke, made me feel special. And the way he holds me, so close to his chest, makes me feel...cherished.

I've never felt this way before, it was scary and exciting and.... overwhelming. Ever since Corpse moved into the empty apartment next door, I've always harbored a sweet spot for him. He was quiet, but extremely nice. Whenever I needed help with bringing new plants into my apartment, he never failed to give me a helping hand.

Not only that, he seemed genuinely interested in my hobbies too. Gardening is one of my favorite activities, so having another person to talk to about it was really exciting.

My excitement usually made the conversations turn into a long list of gardening advice. We would talk about which plants I'd recommend for Corpse to start with as a beginner gardener or which plants I liked the most.

One time, I even gave Corpse his own plant to take care of.


"Hey Corpse, I wanted to give you your own plant because I felt like you uh, deserve it? I mean, of course you deserve it! I just think it'd be cool for you and me to be like...gardening pals, so I hope you like it!" I finished lamely, while holding out a medium sized pot.

Corpse gave me a soft smile and gently took the pot from me. "Thank you Sykkuno, I am very honored to be your gardening pal" he said teasingly.

I could feel warmth blossom under my cheeks at his teasing tone. Something about the way he said my name made chills run down my spine. Maybe it was his abnormally deep voice, or maybe it was the way he looked at me with such an adoring gaze that made my heart pound.

"T-thanks Corpse, by the way, the plant I gave you is called the Lucky Bamboo!"
"Lucky Bamboo?"  He seem puzzled at the name.
"Yeah! It's supposed to give you good luck and enhance the energy of your surroundings!" I exclaimed proudly.

"Oh wow, this small thing is supposed to do all that? Kind've putting a lot of pressure on me Sykkuno."
"What do you mean?"
" If it's supposed to give me all these benefits, doesn't that mean I have to take care of it really well?"
"Well, I actually chose this specific bamboo because it really doesn't need a lot of caretaking. Just water it every three days and keep it in the sunlight."

"Oh wow! I actually thought I'd have to do more to be honest. But thank you, Sykkuno. Y'know I'm not too great at taking care of things, so thanks for giving me an easier plant to start out with," he said gratefully.
"It's no problem Corpse! Everyone has to start somewhere. I'm sure you'll get better the more practice you have," I encouraged.

We began walking out to the front door when Corpse suddenly stopped and turned to look back at me.
"Thanks for this," he said while motioning to the pot. "I'll try not to disappoint you."  I frowned at his words.

"You could never disappoint me, Corpse. As long as you try your best, that's good enough," I quickly reassured. A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips at my words. He nodded his head towards me in acknowledgement and started walking down the hall to his own apartment. I simply stood outside my door like a fool while he walked away from me. The sound of his footsteps slowly retreating reminded me to go back into inside. I turned to go back into my apartment with a sigh when I suddenly heard the wild beat of rushing footsteps approach me.

When I turned to see who it was, I saw that it was Corpse! What was he doing back here? Did he forget something? He stopped directly in front of me and before I could say anything he blurted out, "Sykkuno...."
"Yes?" I asked nervously. Did he want to talk to me or did he just forget something? Anticipation brewed in my belly at what he was going to say next. "You're like a lucky bamboo," Corpse said.

I was stunned. Of all the things I thought he was going to say, calling me a lucky bamboo wasn't exactly at the top of my list.
"What? Uhhhh thank you?" I questioned.
"Seriously. I know it's uh-weird to say," Corpse stuttered out. He looked extremely embarrassed and I couldn't help but sympathize. His hand went up to scratch the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his.

"I meant to say that I feel like you enhance the energy of your surroundings, like a Lucky Bamboo." I was ready to protest against that compliment until he held up his hand, effectively silencing me. "I don't know how to explain it. But all I know is that a few minutes ago, I was doubting myself and placing unnecessary pressure on myself. But when you said that my best was good enough, it was like you washed all those thoughts away."

My eyes widened and I couldn't help but remain frozen at Corpse's explanation. I couldn't even properly respond to his compliment because my brain was not cooperating with me. He must have mistaken my silence as me being uncomfortable because he immediately backpedaled.
"Sorry if that was weird, I-uh should just go."

Corpse turned to leave and started walking away from me until I finally managed to open my mouth.
"Corpse, wait!" He stopped at my command and turned to face me. "Don't apologize. That was extremely nice of you to say. No ones ever told me that I bring energy. Or that I make them feel happier." A bright blush was appearing on my face, I knew. "So thank you for telling me that. I'm usually just the quiet friend who doesn't really contribute much, so for you to tell me that I bring you joy and energy, it means a lot to me," I revealed.
A beautiful smile appeared on Corpse's face.

"No problem Sykkuno. I'll tell you that as many times as I can because that's the least you deserve," he said sincerely.
"You don't need to do that, Corpse!" I exclaimed, not wanting to burden him.

"Too bad, I'm gonna repeat it until you get tired of hearing it! You make me happy and everyone in the same Room as you would jump for joy if they saw you!" He announced.
"Oh Jesus, Corpse!" I cried out, embarrassed.

"And you're MY lucky bamboo. You always bring positive energy to your surroundings, even to negative people like me."
"You're not negative," I retorted.

"My name is literally Corpse."
I couldn't help but laugh at his deadpanned response.
"Okay, okay, but your name is cool."
"Lucky Bamboo is a cool name too," Corpse added.

"Uhhhh I don't know about that."
"I say it's cool and I think I'm just going to call you that in my contacts list," Corpse said. He took out his phone and began typing into it. When he was done he showed me the phone and it read "Lucky Bamboo ☘️"

"That's not even a bamboo!" I pointed out.
"That's true, but I think that emoji suits you the best. Besides, I just need to type it in my phone so I have reminder to myself that everything's going to be okay because I have my very own Lucky Bamboo to wash away all the bad thoughts."

End of Flashback.

When I look up at Corpse's sleeping face, I can't help but think the same thing. I know I'm going to okay because you wash away all my bad thoughts too. Have I ever told you that?

Your mere presence makes me feel a touch of what's it called? Confidence? Self Love? I'm not sure what, but I know it's foreign. Maybe I feel this because you say my name with so much reverence. Maybe I feel this because you actually care about what I like. Maybe I feel this because you never fail to make me smile. Maybe I feel like this because you make me feel like I'm worth something.

There's a lot of maybes and unknown variables regarding my feelings for Corpse, but I know for sure that he's my lucky bamboo too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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