New mage!

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Your p.o.v. (point of view)

Lucy guided me to the fairy tail doors, though I didn't feel good enough to actually be a wizard. I mean I'm just another ice wizard, there's like 10 of them in this country.

Plus being 17 years old sucks, some people my age have a boyfriend.

I don't.

Lucy opened the doors and announced to everyone.

"Hey guys, we have a new member for Fairyail!"

Everyone gathered around me and cheered, I was anxious to see what this guild has for me.

Someone caught my eye while all the cheering was going on, it was a guy with black hair, oddly shirtless. He stared at me from afar. Directly in my eyes. He saw that I was looking at him so he got up and left.

That's weird.

Time skip, 1 hour

I met everyone! My favorite person is Erza Scarlet, she's amazing and eats too much cake.

I was heading towards Lucy to ask about the requests, maybe Lucy and I can take my first job! As I walked towards Lucy, I bumped into that shirtless guy.

"Oh I didn't see you there, I'm sorry." The guy apologized

I could tell he obviously did see me and purposely walked by me. Its adorable how he tries though. He actually really... attractive.

"My name is (y/n). I'm an ice wizard, I was just about to ask Lucy if I can go on my first job." I happily said

"I'm Gray Fullbuster, you know, Lucy is probably busy decorating the upcoming event for Fairytail. I'll go with you on your first job." Gray smirked

He's flirting with me. I won't fall for him, he seems like another flirt. Meeting countless flirts, I won't risk my heart falling for a boy who isn't willing to catch it. Let's just see his personality.

"I'm sorry but Lucy and I are close..-" I was cut off by Gray pulling me to the job requests. His hands were so soft.

"I'm going with you guys. We can both train as ice wizards anyway, (y/n)." Gray smiled and continued walking.

Drunken Cana walked towards me, limping a bit.

"Ahhhhhahahaha you guys are dating?" Cana smiled

She pushed me hard, I almost fell backwards, but Gray quickly caught me. His arms were holding my back, I blushed. Gray saw my reddened face and got back up.

"Cana, control yourself, (y/n) is a new member."

Could he be another flirt?

Time skip, 30 min.

Gray, Lucy, Natsu, and I were walking to the Forrest, it was near a big water fall so we brought our swimsuits and some other supplies. >.>

"(Y/n), let's settle here, its near that river so we can spend the night here." Gray said to Natsu

I took all the TREMENDOUS weight off my back and took off my shirt and shorts, I'm wearing the swimsuit underneath duh. Lucy and I both jumped in at the same time,

Gray just stood there with his hands is his pockets, happily watching me.

"Gray, you perv, why are you just watching (y/n) swim?" Natsu shoved Gray.

"Shut up, at least there a huge ship named after me called "NaLu" or something." Gray shoved Natsu back.

"NaLu?! Lucy and I? Dating?" Natsu questioned Gray.

Soon Natsu and Gray got in a huge argument, I was talking to Lucy.

"Lucy, I think you'd make a cute couple with Natsu. Anyway, don't tell Gray, but I think he's kind of.... cute" I shrugged

"You think he's cute?!" Lucy screamed

Gray and Natsu stopped arguing and turned to look at me. Gray, who was holding Natsu's shirt, let go of the shirt.

"Who did you say was cute, (y/n)?" Gray asked.


"Um, I think that-" I was interuppted by Lucy

"-That K pop stars are cute, right?" Lucy said

"Yeah, you know that one K pop singer, you know..?" I nervously said.

Natsu let go of Gray and whispered something to him. Gray nodded and they both turned around.

"Alright, whatever, let's go Gray" Natsu said as they both walked to the campfire.

As soon as they were gone, you and Lucy continued talking.

"Why do you think he's cute?" Lucy whispered.

"I don't know, his face, his hair, his looks, just.. him. That doesn't matter though, he seems like another flirt." I replied

"Gray, (y/n) thinks youre a flirt! Hahahaha!" Natsu yelled as loud as he can. He was hiding in the bushes near the river. Natsu ran off laughing, he knows I like Gray.

"Natsu! I'll be back (y/n)! Natsu!" Lucy got out the river and ran off after him.

I was now alone in the river, about 5 minutes later, I saw someone walking towards the river.

It was Gray.

O my gosh, what do I do? What is he going to say about what I said? Maybe I should act like he's not here!

I turned around and stared at the skies, it was close to sunset. I felt the movements in the river.

Gray was in the river.

I was all alone

A Frozen Romance : Gray X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now