A Connection

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"You're a not an ice mage, you're a person with multiple of powers, you just don't know it. My guild located you and found you in this city. Since I had a history with you, I thought I should be the one to take your power. It would be so easy." Mason slyly said

I stepped back. No, this can't be true. Just, why?

"So, none of this was real? You didn't have feelings for me?" I softly asked.

Mason chuckled.

"Seriously? You've got to be joking. Of course not, yes I once had feelings for you back then, but now, you're a pig."

Tears started to swell up. When I get mad, I don't feel anger, instead, I let go of built in misery.

"I actually thought this was real." I wept and sat on the cold sand.

Mason didn't say a word, he only came closer to me, and reached out his hand to my waist.

I closed my eyes and held my face with my wet hands. I don't feel like doing anything.

I heard Mason scream, was he in pain? I looked up.

Levy had a stone script fall on him. She smirked at me, but it disappeared when she saw me crying. Levy then looked back at Mason with rage.

"I've seen you from an article on a magazine, you're from a dark guild that only steals power from people. I heard everything, but you had to make her cry?!.." Levy yelled

Natsu then came running with a bunch of other guild mates behind him. Hopefully Gray isn't there, I wouldn't him to see me like this.

"Why the hell is (y/n) crying, Mason?! Did you do something to her?" Natsu roared.

Mason only gave Natsu a mean look. He didn't say a word.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" Flames bursted into the air towards Mason... He didn't move a muscle.

I turned away because either way, I would never look at someone burning.

My eyes were still watery and my nose was runny, I looked up, and Gray was looking down at me.

"Uh Gray!" I nervously yelped. I quickly put my head down and looked away. I put my hands over my face, he shouldn't see me like this.

I could hear Natsu and everyone attacking Mason. But why for me? I'm a nobody. So why would Gray even like me? It seems unbelievable.

Gray bent down and calmly tried to pull my hand away. He also tried to look at my face, though instead I just hid underneath my hand.

"Come on, (y/n), are you okay?" Gray observed.

"Im okay, I just twisted my ankle a bit." I explained.

Gray smiled and put his hand by the bottom of my back.

"Guess I'm going to have to carry you then." Gray gladly said.

"NO I CAN WALK. I just-"

"No, no, it's fine, I'll carry you (y/n)" Gray interrupted

Gray put his arms underneath my leg (nothing sexual about that) and his arm behind my back. He slowly lifted me up to make sure I was comfortable with it.

I still covered my face. I don't want him to see me.

"I'm taking you to my favorite place, which is a long walk. Either way, I'm going to see your face one way or the other." Gray assured me and looked forward.

I move one finger from my eyes and look back, behind Gray, Mason is now being held by Jet, while Natsu is keeping watch.

Levy walked up to Mason, he had to look down at her because of how short she was.

"We made sure Gray took (y/n) far from you. What did you say to her that made her cry?!" Levy barked

Mason only looked down at the sand with a bit of sadness. He replied.

"The only way to get a lot of power from someone is to make them feel miserable and feel useless. So I made her feel bad about herself." Mason explained

Levy was now even more angry.

"So that 'connection' she felt wasn't real?!" Levy asked

"Oh that connection? Yes, it was very real.." Mason muttered.

I turned around still covering my face from Gray. So that means, Mason only said that to make me feel bad about myself and to get power from me, but he still likes me?

This is too much to think about.

I almost immediately feel asleep. How strange.

An hour later

I woke up from my nap, and looked up at the night sky... wait night?! Where am I?! Is Gray even here?

A Frozen Romance : Gray X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now