Chapter Two- l0v3-and-hug5

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(Niall’s P.O.V)

 No, I love them. ;)

 That response made me grin like an idiot at my computer screen.

 “Ooh, Niall looks happy! What’s made you look so smitten, lad?” Zayn asked me.

 “Nothing,” I said, quickly switching tabs from Tumblr over to Twitter. “Just how much our fans love us.”

 Smooth, Niall. I thought to myself.

 “They do love us lots, don’t they.” Louis remarked. I nodded. To justify my fib, I tweeted my fans.

 @NiallOfficial: You guys are the best fans ever. I love you all so much! <3

 In a matter of seconds, I had 400 retweets, 700 favourites and loads of tweets saying things like: “Well that’s only cause you’re the best band ever! LLN :D” or “I love you too Niall!!!!!! <3”

 Zayn and Louis seemed to have lost interest in me, so I switched back over to Tumblr and stared at this girl. l0v3-and-hug5, she called herself.  I didn’t know her real name, but I knew her story. She was Canadian, she liked to take pictures, go shopping and read, and she LOVED food. She was beautiful, as well. She had long brown hair, dark brown eyes, clear skin and a great smile. She was the perfect girl for me. The only problem was: I’d never meet her in real life. She lived in Canada, and I lived in Ireland, plus I was on tour all the time. This was never meant to be.

I opened up her blog and typed out another anonymous message to her.

 Cool, I like them too! Who’s your favourite? I hoped to throw her off. She was online, so I knew that she would reply soon.

 Sure enough, I got a response two minutes later. It was two minutes too long to wait, but I managed.

 Butterflies had a party in my stomach when I saw the response.

 Niall, definitely Niall. Hands down, no questions asked. He is so amazing and attractive I can’t even.

Words couldn’t describe how happy I felt at that moment. I jumped up and did a little happy dance.

 Wait. What do I say to her next? I asked myself. I was at a loss. Usually I was so good with words. Today, I could barely make a simple sentence! So, I went with my gut and typed the first word that came to mind.


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