Chapter 6- Quinn's Sleepover

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This is just a filler chapter, but it's important at the same time :) Enjoy!


Chapter 6- Quinn’s Sleepover

 (Rebecca’s P.O.V)

 “So… who was that guy you were with? New boyfriend?” Quinn teased.

“No, it was someone you know.” I said, teasing back.

 “Really? OMG who??” Quinn pushed.

 “Niall Horan.” I said, a huge grin on my face.

 “No way. You’re joking. Niall Horan in One Direction?” Quinn gasped.

 “Yup!” I said, popping the ‘p’. “I’ll prove it.” I pulled out my iPhone, went to the contacts and scrolled down to the ‘N’s. Quinn peered over my shoulder as I pressed on Niall’s contact.

 “You weren’t kidding! Becks, this is huge. You have the Niall Horan’s phone number. Call him!” Quinn shrieked.

 “Quinn, calm down! I’m not calling him. He’ll think I’m obsessed or something. He has to call first.” I said. 

 “Boo. I really wanted to talk to him.” Quinn pouted. She took a sip from her smoothie. “Let’s go. I want to do more shopping.” I agreed willingly. Now that I’d met Niall, who knows what was in store for me?


 An hour and a half later, Quinn and I went back to my house. We’d bought a whole lot of clothes. I’d bought a new pair of red skinny jeans, some black suede booties, and that yellow shirt from H&M. I’d spent all of my $42 but it was all worth it.

 Quinn decided to sleep over that night. My dad was all okay with it, since Quinn was over all the time anyways. She borrowed a pair of my pajamas and a blanket.

 “Let’s watch a movie.” I suggested.

 “Sure, which one?” Quinn asked.

 “Uhm… how about How to Train your Dragon?” I said, suggesting my favourite movie.

 “Sure, that one is good.” Quinn replied. I popped the DVD into the player and hit play.

 We were at the part of the movie where Hiccup was making Toothless’s new tail fin when my iPhone chimed. I had a text. It was from Niall.

 “Hey babe, what do you say to hanging out tomorrow? –Niall xx”

 “It’s Niall! What do I say?” I urgently questioned Quinn.

 “OMG! What did he say?” Quinn said excitedly.

 “He wanted to know if I wanted to hang out tomorrow. What do I say??” I panicked. It’s not everyday a celebrity texts you, especially one in the biggest boyband since N’Sync!

 “Yes, duh! Oh, ask him if I can come too! And if the rest of the boys are coming!” Quinn shrieked.

 “Ssshhh! Quinn, you’re so loud!” I waved my hand at her. I hit reply on Niall’s text.

 “Sure, sounds fun! Can I bring a friend? She’s super cool and really wants to meet you all.” I texted back. Niall replied almost immediately.

 “Sure, sounds great! I’ll bring the rest of the boys too. What’s your friend’s name?”

 “Quinn. I told you about her yesterday, silly ;)” I typed. I laughed at how cute I was.

 “Niall says you can come, and he’s bringing the rest of the boys as well. This is great” I squealed.

 “I know, right!” Quinn squealed back.

 After this series of events, we’d totally forgotten we were watching a movie. Niall and I had texted back and forth for about an hour. I had to keep pushing Quinn off of me. She really wanted to read what I was sending to Niall, but I didn’t want to. I’m the kind of girl who doesn’t let anyone use her phone, even her best friend. Eventually, I excused myself to my bathroom so I could talk to Niall in peace. Sure, it wasn’t the ideas location, but it would have to do.

 “Hey babe, it’s Louis with Niall’s phone. I’m super excited to meet you tomorrow, since you’re all Niall can talk about ;)”

 My stomach flipped and I could barely suppress my happiness at that text Louis had sent. It was one thing that THE Louis Tomlinson wanted to meet ME, but Niall had been talking about me? That’s something that before today I could only dream about.

 I quickly typed back: “Aww Louis, I’m excited to meet you too! You’re so sweet :3”

 I’m guessing that it was Louis who sent back a ‘:D’.

 I decided to go back downstairs to Quinn. You could only leave a girl like her alone for so long before she would start to do something crazy, dangerous or both.

 “Quinn? Want some pizza?” I called down the stairs. No answer. “Quinn?” I called again. I waited a minute, no answer again. Great, I thought. Who knows what she could do down there?

Two can play at this game, I thought evilly. Slowly, I descended the stairs, careful not to make any noise.  I padded into the kitchen, opened the fridge and found the whip cream. If Quinn was playing hide and seek, I would find her first.

 Suddenly, I heard a bump in the living room, followed by a hissed swear. I knew where Quinn was.

 I tiptoed into the living room, laughing silently. I peeked over the couch, and there was Quinn, nestled on the floor underneath the blanket, hiding.

 I raised my hand to lift the blanket off of her head. Right when I was about to feel the soft material in my outstretched hand, Quinn grabbed my wrist. I shrieked and dropped the whip cream can on its top. It sprayed a bit of its frothy white cream onto the carpet when it fell. 

 “You were so scared.” Quinn laughed deviously.

 “I wasn’t scared, you startled me.” I pouted.

 “Oh, please. You should have seen your face!” Quinn laughed some more. I thought about it for a minute. I guess it was pretty funny from Quinn’s perspective. I started to laugh as well. Soon, we were both in a full-on giggle fit.

 “What’s going on down there? I’m trying to sleep.” Jason called down from upstairs. I looked at the clock. Oops. Maybe a loud giggle fit wasn’t the greatest idea when it’s 1am.

 “Sorry Jason. We’ll be quiet.” I called back. “We should go to sleep if we’re hanging out with One Direction tomorrow.” I said to Quinn.

 “You’re right.” Quinn agreed. We headed up to my bedroom to get changed. I tossed a pair of red and blur plaid pajama bottoms at Quinn and I pulled on a pair of blue penguin pajama bottoms. We just slept in the shirts we were already wearing. We went back downstairs, wrapped in big blankets. Quinn leaped onto the couch before I was even halfway through the doorway to the living room. Reluctantly, I settled into the recliner next to Quinn and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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