Chapter Eight

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The boys shared the cabin next to us. Tanith and Lucy shared the bunk, and I slept on the single bed. We had a smaller cabin than the boys, yet they were still sorting out beds. "Can't I get the top bunk?" Gracious complained for the tenth time. "But you always get the top bunk!" Donegan replied. "Would you guys shut up!" Fletcher said. "Well there were two top bunks! But SOMEBODY fell asleep on one!" Gracious said. "It's not my fault Saracen sleeps like a log and snores like a bear!" Donegan yelled at him. "Shut up!" Fletcher yelled again. "You shut up!" Both the monster hunters shouted at him. "Why don't you just MOVE him?" Fletcher replied. "Have you ever tried to wake a sleeping man from his sleep?" Donegan glared at him. "Let alone a snoring one named Saracen." Gracious added. "Well, no." "That is why he is still up there, asleep through our talking and we aren't asleep on the top bunks!" Gracious yelled.

"Ok one of us needed to get up and tell them to shut up." Tanith said to Lucy and I. "Their yelling is going straight through those walls like water through a strainer." "I'm trying to sleep." Lucy said, rolling over in her bed. "I'll go if they don't shut up in five minutes." I say, putting a pillow on my head. "The yelling plus Saracen's snoring. Just one of them could wake the dead!" Tanith exclaimed.

"I don't care Fletcher! I'm not sleeping till I have a top bunk!" Gracious yelled.

"Ok I'll go make them shut up." I say, getting up out of bed and putting a silk dressing gown on. I knock on their door.

The door swings open wildly and it falls off its hinges. Gracious stands there holding the door by the handle. "Oops" he said. "SHUT UP!" I yell at them before turning around to walk back to the girls' cabin. "Sheesh." Donegan said, now standing next to Saracen. "I think she's still grumpy from the soup." Gracious teased. I turned around to face them, a murderous look in my eye. "Oh no! We made poor Lynx angry!" Donegan said cheekily. I glared at them. "Oh no! I think we have Donegan!" Gracious teased. I took a deep breath and stood there, facing them. "Oh does the poor little Lynx need to take ten deep breaths?" That's it. I lost it. I have, let's say an elastic band, as my temper. This elastic band is very short, and breaks easily. At that point, the monster hunters had stretched and broken that band. When I loose my temper, I'm deadly quiet. I lifted my hand up and pushed at the air. The monster hunters flew through the air and landed on a confused looking fletcher. With that I walked away and went back to the girls cabin.

The boys talked for a while, quietly, although we could still hear them. The monster hunters interrogating Fletcher.

"So, Fletcher, you fancy Lucy?" Gracious asked.

"?" Fletcher replied.

"You like Lucy."

"No I don't."

"Denial! That means you do!"

"But if he didn't like her wouldn't he say that as well?" Donegan put in.

"I guess so." Gracious replied.

"See! I don't like her!"

"Yes you do."

"Do not!"

"Why not?"


"If you don't like her, why don't you?"


"See! You do!"

"So what if I do!" Fletcher said indignantly.

"Nothing. It's rather cute really."


"Well you and Lucy make a cute couple."

"She's pretty."

"And she's Australian."

"Yeah..." Fletcher trailed off dreamily.

"Good night Fletcher." Gracious said.

"Have sweet dreams of Lucy in a bathing suit." Donegan added.



"Right... Good night."

The boys had stopped talking, but Saracen's snoring kept us up most of the night. We got barely any sleep at all and I for one was very grumpy in the morning.

We woke up to the sound of a very happy Saracen yelling; "Get up!" He knocked on our door loudly, waking me up. I groaned, putting my pillow over my head. "Easy for you to say!" Yelled Tanith. "You slept the whole night and didn't have to put up with your deafening snoring!" "We hardly got any sleep!" Lucy put in. "Well if you don't get up now I'll get the monster hunters to wake you up!" He shouted back. I grumbled and pulled the blankets over my head. I was going to get some sleep. Even if Gracious and Donegan jumped on my bed.

More banging at our door. "Alright! We're getting up!" Tanith shouted.

Five minutes later I was woken up to freezing cold sea water in the face. "Blargh!" Gracious had splashed a bucket of water in my face and was grinning like a lunatic. I jumped out of bed screaming and cursing. I saw Lucy was still sleeping peacefully on her bed. "Why the hell didn't you wake Lucy up!?!" "She's next." Donegan grinned. The monster hunters moved over to Lucy's bed and shook her gently. "So you gently wake her up but you splash me with a bucket full of icy cold sea water!" Gracious shrugged. "Pay back." "Humph!" I got out of bed and Stormed out of the room.

We had breakfast on deck, sitting in chairs. "I call it, edible food that's not disgusting, horrible soup made by Lynx!" Saracen said half laughing, handing everyone bowls of cereal. I folded my arms, still not in the best mood from last night and earlier this morning. They started eating, happy for good food apparently. I refused to eat it. "What's wrong Lynx? You're not eating." Tanith asked me. "It's horrible, inedible, disgusting food!" "Aww come on Lynx! It's good food!" Fletcher said taking a big mouthful at the same time. "Humph!" "Just eat it or starve Lynx." Saracen said, cleaning up his bowl of cereal. "I'd rather starve than eat this... Mess!" "Lynx it's just cereal. It's not like we're forcing you to eat your soup!" Gracious said. "Well my soup is tasty! You all have rubbish taste!" "Lynx calm down. Eat something else if you want to. Just don't waste food." Saracen exclaimed. "Maybe I will!" I stormed off to find something else to eat.

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