Chapter 5

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^^^^ pic of Matt

Allison was in her kitchen getting a shot of tequila when Matt walked in. She was a lightweight and would regret this later but she just couldn't deal with Matt tonight without it. She downed her third shot and poured a fourth when Matt put his arms around her waist and pulled her to him as he kissed her neck.

"How was your day?" He asked as he placed another kiss on her shoulder.

"Fine." She wheezed as she downed her fourth and just started drinking from the bottle.

"What were you doing with Rowdy.?" He asked spitting out the name like it was vile.

The room started to spin as she took another gulp before putting the lid back on and returning it to the freezer. She turned to look at Matt.  He really was a handsome man. His dark blonde hair was short and neatly styled.  His features were soft and not bold like Rowdy's.  No Matt had more of a baby face where Rowdy had a chiseled man's face. Matt's nose was slightly to big for his face but it was his eyes that got her.  They were so blue they looked like steel and he always seemed to squint when he looked at her.  She never felt warmth or love from those eyes, not like she did with Rowdy.  No, Matt's eyes were always as cold as steel.

"W...we wen drezz zhoppin. " She slurred as she reached out to grab the counter that kept moving in front of her.

"Did you find one?" He asked not offering to help her one bit. He caught her when her grip loosened on the counter only because she slammed into him.

"Fine wha?" She looked at him like he had two heads. He sighed harshly.

"Did you find a dress today?" He said sounding irritated as he led her to the couch. He shoved her down onto it and stood in front of her.

"Oh that." She giggled. "Yes." She said with a decisive nod and pointed to the bag on the chair. "Bought it."

"Will I like it Allison? " He asked in a firm tone as he watched her slide down on the couch until she was almost flat.

"Yep." She popped her p and smiled. "Yoooou will will like, not shh...shure bout any one elssss doe."  She had been pointing at him and let her hand fall to her side.

"You don't like it?"  He huffed as she shook her head.

"It'ssss not my style b...but it's pretty. I have pee." She pushed up off the couch and started for the bathroom. "If you're b...blind." She mumbled.

"What was that?" He boomed causing her to grab her head.

"I said if I can w...alk a straight line." She said quickly.

"Oh. I thought you said something else. " He watched her stumble down the hall.

"Need help getting there?" He chuckled.

"No I sink..."She giggled. "I think I can do..o..o it." She slurred as she stumbled sideways.

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