Chapter 12

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^^^^CAUTION Not for the weak at heart!!!! XXX

"Why didn't you tell me any of this before?" Her dad asked as he walked to Rowdy's desk and poured a drink. He tossed it back and growled as it burned all the way down and poured another to sip on. He had a feeling he was going to need it to get through  the conversation.

"I'm sorry daddy. I just thought it was all my imagination and I was just paranoid or something." She said as she sat back down on the desk and studied her hands in her lap. "I should have said something to you and mama but..I don't know why I didn't . I guess I wanted to do it alone and not let anyone know how much of a failure I was. I told Rowdy my suspicions and asked him what I should do. He just said that I needed to figure that out myself and that he would be there no matter what I did." She got up during that and walked to the window where she now stood watching the birds. She wished her life could be as simple as that of these birds but it couldn't.

Her dad stood where he was and studied his daughter who was dressed in Rowdy's clothes. A smile broke onto his face at the thought that came to mind. He had always liked Rowdy and knew he was a good guy. He had always hoped he would let her know how he felt about her but to his knowledge he never did. He wondered silently if things between the two would go somewhere now. He cleared his throat and walked to her. He stopped next to her and watched the birds in silence for a few moments.

"You know Rowdy is a good guy and it doesn't surprise me that he would say he'd back you no matter what you chose to do." He watched her for a reaction but she kept a steady gaze on the birds. "I wish you could find a guy like him."

He smiled when he heard her slight gasp but continued. "I never liked Matt. I got weird vibes from him and this isn't the first time I've told you this. I hate the fact that this happened to you. As a father it's my job to protect you from this cruel world but sometimes I just can't. "

"Oh daddy you have done so much for me and for that I thank you." She wrapped her arms around him and held onto him. His arms came around her and he held her tight to him. "You are not a failure and have helped me so much by just being there. I should have listened to everyone when it came to Matt but I guess I didn't want to believe it and was living in denial." She sighed when she felt her fathers strong arms tighten around her. She felt safe here and there was only one other set of arms that made her feel this safe and they were just outside that door. A shiver ran through her at the thought of him and she smiled.

"What is that smile about?" Her dad asked even though he had a pretty good idea.

"I'm just happy." She said with a shrug as she pulled out of his arms and sat in Rowdy's chair. "I have so many people that love me and support me. I never really knew how many there were until recently and I'm just glad you all don't look down at me for my mistakes."

"Everyone makes mistakes pumpkin. You are no different then anyone else there. Take Rowdy for instance. He got mixed up with that Lana girl and she tore him up. You have made your mistake and now you have to learn from it and move on. This will not tear you down but will make you smarter and stronger. The right guy is out there." He pointed to the doors and her breath caught in her throat. "All you have to do is open your heart and find him." He gave her a fatherly pat on the arm. "Now I have to go and explain all this to your mother. If you need anything please call us and we will help you any way we can. I love you baby girl." He  kissed her head before he left the room but not before he heard her "I love you too daddy."

He stepped out of the office and stopped next to Rowdy who was serving a customer and waited. After a moment Rowdy turned to look at him and nodded at the door where Allison was. "She alright?" He smiled when he received a silent nod and looked away.  He could feel his eyes on him and it made him slightly nervous. He didn't know what she had told her dad and now here he was staring him down. He cleared his throat and turned to him. "Is something wrong sir?"

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