Chapter 16

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They worked tirelessly to get her car cleaned out. He wanted to make sure they didn't miss any glass so she wouldn't get any cuts from it.

After two hours of vacuuming out the car he was satisfied that they had got all of the glass. They then started the process of getting the car ready to strip off the paint.

The doors were first to come off. Once those were off it was Allison's job to take all of the trim off while he started the next step of taping off the windows.

Nothing was said throughout this long process as they both knew what the other was supposed to be doing. They also didn't know what to say to each other for the first time in years.

Both of them was thinking about what had happened and who the suspects were but neither voiced what they were thinking. Both thought of the same three people but Rowdy was thinking of one more then Allison was. He didn't know who did it but he was going to find out one way or the other.

He glanced at his watch and noticed how late it was getting. He stood up and stretched out his sore muscles as he turned to look at Allison.

She was sitting on the floor working tirelessly on what she was doing. He just stood there leaning against the car as he watched her. His heart hurt from loving her so much and he was going to spend the rest of his life making sure she knew just how much she meant to him.

"Hey Al? Why don't we take a break and get something to eat?" He asked as he wiped his hands on a shop towel. He glanced up at her and saw how dirty her face was and couldn't help the laughter that tore from his chest.

"Just what do you think you're laughing at?" She huffed as she lifted her hands for his help to get up. She felt the tingles course through her as he wrapped his big hands around hers and pulled her up into his arms.

He held her close as he smiled at her. His eyes ran over her face that was covered in dirt and grease and bent his head to kiss her forehead. That kiss lead to her nose and to each cheek before he placed a very gentle kiss against her pink lips.

Allison leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up only to feel her legs grip around his waist.

The kiss deepened as he pushed her against the door to the shop. He pulled his lips away and groaned. "Baby as much as I want to continue this we have to eat first. We have been working on this for hours and I need food." He rubbed his rippled belly as she laughed and slid down his body so her feet touched the floor. "I'm a growing boy after all."

He groaned as Allison cupped his groin and smiled wickedly. "Yes you are a growing boy. I wouldn't want to keep you from your food." She opened the door and headed to the house. "You can always have your dessert later." She winked as she walked away knowing he was watching her.

They decided to order out chinese. While they ate they talked about random things from their past and all the trouble they had gotten into as kids. It was nothing serious but just enough to get in trouble with their parents.

Rowdy got up and went to grab a soda and some tea for Al when his home phone rang. He grabbed it up as he went past it to the kitchen.

"You got me now talk to me." He said whimsically as he got down a glass for the tea.

"Hey Rowdy." A feminine voice responded. "I was wondering if you were busy tonight?" Her voice was velvety as she spoke and he cringed as he remembered his time with her.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to be very busy tonight." He said as he put extra emphasis on the 'very'. "I don't have time for anyone but Allison. I'm sorry but I told you this when you called the other day. What we had was okay but it's over now and will never happen again. Can you understand that?" He poured the tea and grabbed his soda before turning around to see Al standing there watching him.

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