Chapter 13

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Allison woke with a start. She looked around not sure where she was at first but quickly smiled as she remembered. She looked next to her only to be disappointed when she saw that the bed was empty. She ran her hand over the place where Rowdy had been and found it was cold. He'd been up for a while and she just figured he let her sleep. She got up and hopped in the shower and soaked her sore muscles.

Her body was still sensitive and the water rushing over her almost made her moan with pleasure. She washed off and walked out into the bedroom with only a towel wrapped around her and started searching for something to wear. She found a smaller pair of sweats and a tight fitted tank she could pull on. She looked in the mirror and groaned when she realized that she could see through the tank. She quickly grabbed a baggy t-shirt that was in the drawer and slid it on over the tank.

It was huge on her so she tied it in the front and tucked the tail of it in so it was out of her way. She slipped on the flats she had there from another time and headed down stairs. She expected to see Rowdy in the office but instead it was empty so she went to the door and opened it.

Rowdy slung a bottle around his body and over his shoulder and caught it behind his back just as she opened the door. He caught the bottle deftly and spun to smile at her. He spun back around to face the patrons but not before shooting her a wink first after his eyes quickly roamed her body.

Ace sat at the end of the bar as usual and grinned when he saw her blush. He knew what had happened when neither one had returned for several hours. He was glad that it had finally happened because those two were perfect for each other. It was one of their busiest times right now and he had roused Rowdy earlier for some help.

He hadn't dared go upstairs so he just called him from the bar and asked if he should call someone in to help him. Rowdy said not to and he would be down in a minute. Once he opened that door and Ace saw his face he knew everything was different now. His boy was happy and had everything he'd ever wanted.

Allison tried to help several times but Rowdy just shooed her away saying she'd had a long day and needed to rest. She had been sitting there talking to Ace when a commotion came from outside. All heads turned to see Matt and Mandy trying to enter and two of the regulars barring the way.

"Let us by you damned baboons or you will regret it." They heard Matt yell at the two men. It didn't budge them at all as they stood there laughing at the smaller man. Matt pushed and shoved but he still couldn't budge the two men.

"I'll huff and I'll puff..." Allison mocked as she rested her elbows against the bar. She had turned around in her stool and was laughing at the sight before her with Ace. From the corner of her eye she saw Rowdy jump up on the bar and back down the other side and quickly stalk toward the couple. Ace nudged her and she flew off the stool and over to Rowdy.

Just as she got to him she saw the bat in his hand and the hate in his eye as he charged Matt. She stepped in front of him and pushed him back, or at least tried and failed at it. It wasn't until she lost her footing and started to fall that he snapped out of it. He caught her just before she hit the ground and pulled her close to his body. He stared into her eyes for a moment neither one speaking.

"You okay baby?" He asked as he looked her over. She nodded in return as she put her arms around his waist.

"Yes I'm fine but you can't do this Ro." She said as she studied his face. She had seen this look before only once and that was when he came back to her place after the Lana incident.

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