Chapter 1

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Jailyn: so this is my first Foxy x Mike story.... I honestly think they are adorable together >U< you can blame Devin for this

Devin: oh you know you love it

Jailyn: I can not lie, I do love it cx anyway I'm posting this from my devaintart page. My username is VocaloidGoddess3 if you wanna see some of my art cx

Devin: it sucks don't go into it

Jailyn: shut it Devin


Chapter 1

~7 years ago~

It was always quiet in the small town of Greys Berg. Rarely anything exciting happened, and when it did, it wasnt much to Mikes liking. He sighed as he stared out of the schools window.

Yes it was quiet boring in his town. It showed to the bland houses and the low sheet of fog that showed up often. The sun shined brightly that day but Mike sighed again. He glanced over at the other students who were staring intently at the teacher.

Mike wasn't one for school, the pace was always slow for him and the work exceedingly tedious. He instead buried his face into a book, the teachers already knowing that Mike knew of the current lessons. He was so wrapped up in his novel that he didn't notice his teacher adressing the class.

"Class," the teacher called in a gruff voice, "id like you to meet our new student" Mike heard the class 'Ooo'. He held his place in his book before looking up. Mikes eyes instantly widened.

The boy was older than mike by a year or so with striking red hair. His strange yellow eyes glistened in amusement and mischief. He wore a simple cloth shirt tied with a draw string and a pair of brown pants that went to his knees and were practically shredded. A pair of black boots hugged his leg, there seemed to be something covered on his left calf. But the most shocking thing about him was the two fluffy ears poking out of his head and the tail swishing behinde him.

"Hello" he said, a hint of an accent was in his voice. Mike couldn't place it. His eyes locked with mikes blue ones and he smirked, One ear pulled back the other twitching slightly. Mike stared in confusion.

"Whats your name son?" The teacher asked.

"You can call me Foxy" the boy smiled, showing off sharp canines.

"Well than, um, foxy please take a seat next to Michael" Mike scowled at the teacher, being that he hated his full name, before going back to his book. The red haired boy, Foxy, strolled towards Mike with a smirk on his face. He sat and instantly turned his attention to Mike.

"Hello" mike flicked his eyes to Foxy before going back to his book, sinking a little in his seat. Foxy cocked an eyebrow at him, but he just continued focusing on his book.

Suddenly, mike felt something bounced off the side of his head. Foxy was throwing bits of paper at him. He scowled at Foxy but continued to ignore him. Thats until a large folded piece of paper landed directly on the page he was reading from.

He placed his book down with a sigh before unfurling the paper carefully. Mike stared at it in disbelief. Neatly written in the center of the page was a simple "hello". Mike turned his attention to Foxy who smiled at him.

"Hey there" Foxy said still smiling.

"Um, hello to you to," Mike looked around quickly, almost everyone was staring at him. No, more like glaring. Mike sighed before turning to Foxy.

"What's their problem?" Foxy asked cocking an eyebrow at the other students. Mike just shook his head, his long black hair whipping with the movement.

"You shouldn't talk to me," mike said instead of answering Foxys question.

"Oh?" Foxy said rasing an eyebrow ,"and whys that?"

"For the sake of your social life," mike started reading his book again. "Im not particularly liked around here," Foxy stared in disbelief.

"How can they not? You seem alright" foxy smiled showing off his sharp canine teeth again. Mike flushed and coughed into his hand. Foxy's tail flicked in amusement.

"So," foxy started," whats the deal around here Michael?"

"Dont call me that"

"Call you what?"

"Michael," mike cringed holding his place in his book again "its mike, mike Schmidt"

"Well than, Mike Schmidt," Foxy grinned widely" why dont you show me around after class?" Mike smiled.

"It would be my pleasure, Foxy"


"Not buying it," mike said as he and foxy walked the halls. Foxy was grinning mischievously. Mike was staring at him in amusement.

"Come on," foxy said,"why not?"

"There is no way you broke into someones house just for food," Mike said in disbelief

"I did! She was an old bat but such a sweet heart at times. We were playing a game, i got hungry and her kitchen window was wide open," Foxy chuckled fondly at the memory. Mike rolled his eyes, but smiled anyways.

"Hey pip squeak!" A voice called out. Mike sighed before turning, instinctively hunching his shoulders to make himself look smaller. Foxy frowned.

"What do you want Pg?" Pg was the schools bully. His purple hair stuck up and he had a pony tail resting on his shoulder. He grinned, his black eyes shined darkly at his favorite punching bag.

"Sup Mikey," Pg said sweetly,"just wanted to see my buddy," Mike rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say," Mike mumbled "lets just get this over with," Mike braced himself for a punch when Pg pulled back his fist. Mike closed his eyes, but when he didnt feel the impact he opened them. Foxy was holding Pgs fist, glaring at him.

"Why dont you leave, before you walk away without any limbs," foxy bared his teeth with his ears pulled back, he looked very aggressive at the moment. Mike couldn't believe Foxy was stnding up for him.

"Stay out of this, guard dog," Pg snapped, Foxys yellow eyes blazed in anger before someone stepped in.

"Come on Pg, stop it," Vincet, Pgs twin, came up behinde him. His hair was styled like Pgs but his was black and he had bangs over his right eye. Mike stared at him greatfully and he smiled back.

"Whatever," Pg growled before walking off.

"Thanks Vincent," Mike said

"No problem, Mikey," Vincent winked before leaving after his brother. Foxy looked at Mike curiously.

"What?" Mike asked

"I thought you said no one liked you?" Foxy said confused. Mike smiled.

"I do have friends Foxy," Mike said," just not a lot," foxy nodded in understanding.

"Like who?"

"Well," Mike started ," theres Jeremy. Hes british and can make anyone around him smile even when they dont want to...Then theres Scott, he tries to act hardcore but hes actually quite sweet once you get to know him ....Jeremy has blonde hair and freackles and Scott has brown hair with red in it and dimples, they're both really great" Foxy smiled at Mike as he explained his friends with enthusiasm.

"Then there's Vincent," Mike said," he's nice uo until you get him mad then youd better run" mike chuckled " Him and Pg "share" Scott" Foxy raised an eyebrow as they walked to their next class.

"Whoa so they share a boyfriend?"

"Well they say they share but in truth they just screw each other whenever they like" Foxy chuckled at Mike's explanation.

"Thats something you dont hear everyday"mike smiled at him his bright blue eyes shining.

"Thanks for sticking up for me Foxy," Foxy blushed and smiled back at him.

"It was no problem, Mikey," Mike flushed at the nick name, liking the way Foxy said it, as they walked into the classroom.

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