Unexpected Reunion

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I'm super sorry that I haven't been updating regularly guys, I've been busy with school and haven't gotten the chance to actually write but I wanted to make it up to you guys by making a long chapter so here it is!

Just so you know in my story when Foxy and Mike met Mike was 16 and foxy was like 17. This is like 8 years later so Mike is now 24 and Foxy is 25. Just felt like clearing that up cx

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, i only own Cole who isn't even mentioned until later really, they belong to Scott Cawthon yadda yadda yadda

Also, Two updates in one day?! I'm on a role! I'm actually posting this while in Drama class so be glad I'm risking detention for y'all XD

I dont have a beta reader so any mistakes are my own. And yalls comments mean the world to me! I didn't think so many people would enjoy my crap writing XD


Chapter 4: An unexpected reunion

Foxy's nose twitch as he took a deep breath of salty sea air. His tail twiched anixously as the strip of shore grew in sight. He had left land along time ago, moving on from his old life and setting sail to fulfil an old dream.

"Captain," a deep smooth voice said behinde him. Foxy turned seeing his crewmember and closest friend Fredrick Fazbearn,"We are closing in to shore." Foxy nodded absentmindedly.

"When we get to shore ye are to take the men and 'gather' supplies, got it?" Foxy smirked at Freddy. Each member on the crew knew what their captain ment by gather. Fredrick smirked back and bowed his head in agreement.

"Aye, aye captain," the ever loyal first mate stated and left his captain be. Foxy's gaze returned to the port they were closing in on, his mind awash by memories.


The carriage came to a rickety stop infront of the large house. The driver quickly hopped down to open the door and allow the young man inside to step out.

The man was not short but neither was he tall and His mop of unruly black hair falling slightly past his shoulders. It was evident he was not much of a sleeper from the black circles under his ocean blue eyes.

Yes. Mike Schmidt had changed alot during the years that had past. He had returned to the quiet little town after getting word that his dearest uncle max had passed on (mike almost laughed when he gave his professor his reason to leave). He let his eyes roam over the exterior of the house while his best friend, Jeremy, hopped out the carriage.

"Old Max didnt really change any thing while you were gone, mate," the blonde said. Mike let his eyes go to his friend but said nothing," Well we should get your stuff inside,right?" Mike just nodded, his shoulders hunching slightly as he grabbed his luggage.

Jeremy sighed as Mike hurried inside. The brit had stayed in touch with the brunette all these years, so had Scott and Vince, but Mike never really told them the troubles he had in school. Jeremy really couldn't blame him for being silent after escaping that hellhole.

'at least he got out before something horrible happened to him' The blonde thought bitterly as he followed after Mike.

"So you think you'd be alright to settle in by yourself, Mike? I have to get back and help Cole with the housework" Mike glanced at Jeremy before looking forward and nodding. Jeremy clapped a hand on his shoulder and smiled at his best friend. "Its good to see ya after all these years,mate" Mike smiled at Jeremy and nodded an agreement.

As soon as Jeremy left, Mikes smile fell and he sighed deeply. He dropped his bags on the floor before reaching into his pocket to play with the few coins he had. He pulled his long coat around his shoulders heading outside. A drink seemed to be pretty good at the moment


Foxy grinned as he lead his crew through the town. They were hooting and hollering up a storm and Foxy leered nastily at the dirty looks people threw their way. Ah, how he loved the adoring crowds him and his crew gathered.

They stopped infront of the pub, Foxy turned to adress his crew.

"Alright men!" A few voices popped up in protest and Foxy rolled his eyes in playful irritation,"And ladies, what say ye to a few rounds!" a course of 'aye!' resounated and Foxy grinned before ducking into the pub.


Mike walked out of the bathroom to see complete and utter chaos. Some people were fighting, a few were drinking and singing merrily and they were even some men and women holding a rope that had one of the navy's captains dangling at the end . The brunette rolled his eyes as he relized who the people were.

Pirates, of course, only pirates could cause such mischeif. Mike scoffed and weved in and out of the crowd. He didnt need this right now, he almost made it to the door but a man fell into his path. He held a cutlass in hand and sprang to his feet once more to charge at whoever he was fighting.

The man swung, missing the man he apparently was engaging in battle and nearly took Mikes head off if it wasnt for a hand wrapped around his arm pulling him out the way.

"Watch yourself, lad!" a deep and smooth voice said. Mike looked at his saviour and saw a rather tall man. He wasnt to muscled and his hands were callouses showing years of hard work. He had brown hair that laid flat in the front and curled in the back. A gotee and moustache covered the bottom half of his face and His eyes were a striking bright blue.

But the thing that drew Mike's attention was mot the man himself but the two round ears poking out of the mans head. Of course Mike had known that their was others like his old friend but he never seen them. The man met his gaze and began talking.

"Aye That was a close call," Mike nodded and turned his gaze to the man who almost took his head off anf saw he was battling what appered to be the captain of the ship. The only thing he could see of the captain were his pointed ears that stuck out of his hat and the long tail the came out from under his coat.

"Aye the Captain does love a fight," Mike could hear the exasperated tone in his saviours voice,"Never passes one up" Mike just nodded while watching the fight. The captain was skilled with a sword and the other didnt stand a chance. The man had jumped atop a table and the captain seized the chance to knock the mans feet from underneath him. The man went crashing to the floor and was knocked out cold. Mike saw the crew surround the laughing captain to give their praise.

"Captain has never lost a fight," Mike looked back to the man, to see a fond look on his face,"Takes great pride in that, he does. The names Fredrick by the way," Mike nodded and Fredrick looked at him expectantly,"and what be your name?"

Mike winced a little and a hand drifted to his throat. Fredrick seemed to catch the gesture.

"Can you not speak?" the first mate asked. Mikes head turned to the floor and he nodded. "Aye thats a tough ailment to have in a world like this," mike looked to Fredrick to see a most peculiar look on his face.

An idea struck Mike than, he wanted this man to know his name. Not just because he had saved him, but because he didn't press about his condition. He took out a piece of paper and pen that he carried when for his drawings and wrote his name on it. Fredrick watched him writw and Mike was about to hand the paper over when a familiar voice spoke behinde him.

"We ready yet to shove off, Freddy? The crew is seems to be gone with drink and we got all the supplies we need," The voice held a proud lit in it and Mike's body froze he knew that voice. Knew it better than anyone else.

"Aye Captain!" The first mate said not noticing Mikes distress," was just finishing up talking to this lad who almost was beheaded due to your fight." the captain chuckled.

"Good thing ye were there to save him," The captain had a joking tone and Fredricks cheeks tinted red. Mike was oblivious to their inside joke as his insides writhed in a panic.


"Let me see ye face lad, Want ta congratulate ye for living another day," Foxy's tone was light and joking but he noticed the way the lad's back was tensed straighter than a plank. The lad seemed to hesitate for a moment before he turned around. It took Foxy a moment but as soon as he recognized that face his smirk fell. It was different, older and more weary but he recognized it all the same. It was the man who unwittingly broke his heart, his best friend, his-


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