Burning Bridges and Recruitment of the Unwilling

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Author's note: Soooo yay! New update! XD School has been killing me slowly so sorry for the slow updates + I've been having a family issue with my sis and her ex Bf so this has taken me a while to write cx

But I appreciate all of your guys' comments! They make me feel inspired to write more since you guys leave such nice comments!

Also, I've been really into the whole Undertale fandom because that game is the awesomest thing ever! XD

But lets get on to Chapter 5! Wooo
Soooo yay! New update! XD Schoom had been killing me slowly so sorry for the slow updates + I've been having a family issue with my sis and her Bf so this has taken me a while to write cx

But I appreciate all of your guys' comments! They make me feel inspired to write more since you guys leave such nice comments!

Also, I've been really into the whole Undertale fandom because that game is the awesomest thing ever! XD

Btw Italics are what Mike is basically trying to say since again my Mikey is mute cx at least he is for a while cx

But lets get on to Chapter 5! Wooo


It was different, older and more weary but he recognized it all the same. It was the man who unwittingly broke his heart, his best friend, his-



Mike let out a unsure smile at the now pirate captain. His anixety fluttered in him as Foxy continued staring at him in disbelief. 'why does he have to stare like that' Mike thought to himself bitterly 'its not like he hasn't seen me before.'

"Captain?" Fredrick spoke up, snapping both men out of their trance like state. Mike looked away while tightening his arms around himself. A gratious coping method he picked up at school to deal with his anxiety. Foxy looked at Fredrick then glanced at Mike.

"Fredrick, this is my old....," Mike looked at Foxy curiously, Foxy sighed,"Friend, Mike."

Mike smiled politely at Fredrick and nodded a greeting. Foxy noted the friendly guester in distaste.

"Mikey..." Mike shot him a sharp look," Mike, what are you doing here?" He rolled his crystal blue eyes and gave his best 'I live here' look. Foxy raised an eyebrow.

"Um...I bieleve he can't speak, Captain," Foxy looked shocked at Fredrick before turning a questioning gaze to Mike. He looked away from the ever searching yellow gaze of the fox with a small huff and a scowl.

" Um, Mike, maybe it be best for us to go some where priv'et," Mike turned his scowl to Foxy and shook his head. The human wasn't in the mood. Mike sent a pretty clear 'I do not wish to talk to you' glare at Foxy before turning. He let out a annoyed huff, flicked his hair back and stalked towards the pubs exit. Foxy growled in annoyance.


"Sir?" The bear hybrid asked wearily.

"Make sure each of the men are on bored by the time I get back, understood?" Foxy called as he followed after the pissed off looking human. Fredrick let out a tired sigh. Foxy was already out the door before Fredrick could even reply. Fredrick let out a small chuckle, knowing his captain to be in the determined thinking lot.

"Aye aye captain"


"Mikey! Wait up!" Foxy called after the human. Mike rolled his eyes and continued walking. The pirate quickly caught up to the shorter human, taking large steps and falling in step with Mike. Mike gave him a side glare before staring forward.

"Can I talk to you?" Foxy asked, before Mike could even give him a signal that said yes, the fox hybrid continued.

"I've missed you," Mike frozed, his bangs covering his eyes. Foxy sighed,"I never imagined that I see you again! And I....I'm sorry tha I stopped writin" Mike looked up sharply and his eyes held an unforgiving look. Foxy could clearly tell Mike was still pretty pissed at him for that. He fliched at the humans cutting gaze, his ears flattened agaisnt his head in submission.

Mike crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. 'Do you expect me to forgive you?' his stance said.

"You don' have to forgive me, Mikey," The brunette gave him a disbelieving look. Foxy bit his lip. "I jus' wanted ta clear up any bad blood between us, you were me best friend and I wish we can be friends now... So can we?"

Mike stared as Foxy held out a hand expecting Mike to take it. The human stared at Foxy and pushed the hybrids hand down. Foxy's ears lowered in disappointment but Mike gave him a small smile. 'In due time' Foxy's ears perked up immediately and his tail flicked happily. Mike wasn't denying him as a friend! Well he was but he wanted Foxy to work for his friendship, and the hybrid would try his hardest to get his Mikey be his friend again! The pirate didn't notice the human had walked past him. Foxy yelped and called after Mike.

"H-hey! Where ye going?!" Mikey just held up a key, signaling he was heading home. Foxy ran after Mike again. "L-look! I was thinkin', me and the crew are headin' to a port a few days away and since you want me to work for ye friendship, why don' ye sail with us!" Mike looked at Foxy in disbelief before looking like the hybrid had told the funniest joke he ever heard. Foxy looked at him in confusion. Mike shook his head and continued walking. Foxy was quickly becoming tired of this one way version of tag.

"Oh come on, Just think about it! The open sea! All tha freedom and fresh air, plus being on board with a dashingly handsome cap'ain such as me self," One look was all Mike need to give Foxy to show his distaste at that statement. "Please, Mikey?"

Mike shook his head again. No.

"I could use another man on me crew, Please?"

Head shake. No.

"You'll have more riches than you could ever imagine! Please?"

Head shake. No!

"Pleeease!" Foxy recieved a glare this time. "Not in this life time!" the glare seemed to say. Foxy sighed.

"You leave me no choice then,"

Mike opened his mouth in a silent yelp as the hybrid threw him over his shoulder. Mike stared at the pirates tail in shock before his anger quickly set in.

"I'm sure ye love it Mikey!" The hybrid said with a grin in his voice. Mike gave an angered huff and started twisting in the hybrids grip, trying to struggle free. "Now now, ye don't want me ta drop you in the mud now, do ye?"

Mike gaped at Foxy, the thinly veiled threat did nothing to stop him from pounding his fist on Foxy's back. Foxy ignored the first and grinned at the human cheekily. Mike just glared at him and started hitting harder.


Meanwhile, Jeremy stared in shock as Mike was carried off. He was on his way to Mike's house, a bag of groceries in hand. The brit sighed and rushed to get the others. Looks like they'll be planning a complicated rescue mission this weekend instead of a welcome home party.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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