Every moment of you (Sua)

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An endearing voice from behind makes Sua twirl around and she's catching you already smile brightly as you're waving your hand energetically that you're here - here for Sua who's been excitedly waiting for you to come to Seoul more than what you're feeling right now.

Sua's been looking forward to having you closer than ever as she's living with her members while you're living further away - aka in her hometown, Changwon in Gyeongsangnam-do.

Safely to said that you're her childhood friend whom she fond of the most...

"Hey~", Sua grinned almost ear-to-ear, she still couldn't believe you're in front of her since up 'til now... you both were been only chatting on the screens and now, you're in the flesh seems like an unrealistic dream she can't take it.

You saw her eyes staring at you in a dazed state. It seems like Sua doesn't think it's real until you pinched her cheeks that earns a surprised gasp, "Ow yah!", she lightly slapped away your hands, causing you to giggle because of her priceless reaction.

"Does it finally settles down on you I'm here for you", you chuckled.

Somehow, those harmless lines that come out from your mouth make her stomach swirl in different ways. Her cheeks slowly growing a bright crimson color, blushing at your words that sound like you're flirting her even though you're not actually flirting her but only a simple sentence for a long-distance friend.

You're like Lee Siyeon but more worst because every word that rolling out from your mouth is either you sound like flirting or just doing blatantly pick-up lines which makes Sua felt secondhand embarrassed. Though, she low-key enjoys it as it entertains her sometimes.

"Anyways, are you alone?", you asked while looking right and left if she brought some friends.

"Y-yes, I'm alone. Why? Do you want me to bring my friends?", she huffed as she tries her best to calm her flushed cheeks.

"Not really. It's much better when we're only two rather than having companies...", the next sentence got faded out as Sua only focused on the other first-half latter... which is making her cheeks heat up again.

Sua then slapped her face just to snap herself out from getting all dreamy over you, surprising you a bit at her sudden behavior. You looked at her worriedly. Sua gazed at you with an innocent smile, mumbling something about going somewhere else.

"Um... let's go... to my house... here"



So, here you are... In her chaotic shared dorm with her members as soon, you both entering the living room.

JiU is sitting upside-down after fighting with Gahyeon for a seat in the center. Yoohyeon is screaming because her popcorns got spilling on her laps because of an accidental kick from Gahyeon while Siyeon is in her blank state on the floor. Meanwhile, Handong and Dami are in the kitchen - fighting over snacks - and their voices are echoing in the hallway that made Sua speechless.

It's completely disastrous in the once sparkling clean dorm...

"Everyone!!!!!", Sua shouted, earning her members' attention on her.

"Hah... I bring a friend I told you yesterday", Sua face-palmed, feeling embarrassed to see her members make a fool of themselves when she's preparing a concept for today that Dreamcatcher will be looking cool for a day.

It's a way for Sua to impress you.

"Hi!", you cheerily greeted them and in a split second, they all are crowding over you... leaving Sua alone beside you.

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