Chapter 8

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I don't get it?!

How can I be pregnant?!

I look back to the night I was with the twins.

"Are you sure about this" Elija whispers in my ear.

"Yes what's the worst that can happen?" I say

He enters me and I moan in pleasure.


What's the worst that can happen? Well I didn't think I would get pregnant on my first time!!

I stare at my belly again. Thinking about the baby inside me. Next minute I know I'm racing down the stairs holding my belly.

"Mum mum mum mum mum!!" I'm yelling while I run around the house in tears searching for my mum.

I run into the kitchen.

Hey we have just gone hunting. Be back in the mornings. Nanna made dinner it's in the fridge for before bed. Love you mum xx

I drop to my knees and cry harder. My dads gonna kick me out! My mums gonna hate me. Jakes never gonna speak to me again. My whole family will think I'm a slut or a whore.

I cry for about 3 hours straight.

When I start to compose myself a bit I start to think about things.

After some hard thinking and some hard crying I run up to my room and pack all my essentials. I book a plane ticket to Australia gold coast. For another 2 hours I start looking for a small apartment to live in. I find a nice one on the foreshore that's not too expensive and I apply for several jobs around the place.

My plane leaves at 3 in the morning and it's 10.30 now. So I'll leave here at 12.

Dear mum, dad and my family,

I love you all so much. I already miss you but this is the only way. I'm leaving for now. You won't know where I've gone too but I assure you that I'll be safe. I'll visit in a few years and we'll keep in contact. I love you so much.

Love Renesmee xx

I stick the note to the fridge next to the one mum wrote. A tear spills down my face.

I run up to my room and grab out my secret stash of cash that I use for emergencies and put it in my handbag.

I also text the twins and tell them they'll never see me again and I'm so sorry.

Hahaha I bet your pregnant aye. You know we never really liked you. We do this to everyone. Get them pregnant and then ditch them and make rumours up about them. It's fun you know. I'm sorry doll but I dunno how you didn't see it earlier. Lol cya slut have a nice life raising a demon child. :)

I'm so shocked and angry that I cry again. But not out of being scared out of pure anger.

When my taxi arrives I load the car and he heads off to the airport. I thank him and head off and before I know it im boarding the plane to Australia Gold Coast.

Time to start a new life. No dramas. No boys. No vampires. No were wolves. Just me. And I'm ready to take on the world.

Dark Beauty ; Renesmee series #1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin