Chapter 12

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*the picture above is Renesmee's daughter Arliyah*

1 week later

It's been a week since I've been back home and I've have never been more happier. I never realised how much I missed my family while I was away and I've caught up on everything.

Arliyahs having so much fun. My mum adores her and spoils her but not as much as my aunt Alice and aunt Rose do. Uncle Jaspers quiet as usual and uncle Emmet always wants to play games with me. But I have to remind him that I'm more mature then what I was when I left and I've learned to be a mother and a role model to my daughter.

The whole week the family's been going out and doing stuff. We went to the movies, bowling, the beach, fishing, we even went ford wheel driving in the bush which Arliyah absolutely adored. Everyone is mesmerised by her powers and are always outside playing with her.

The packs come around a couple of times which was nice. I missed them all so much. None of them have met Arliyah or know about her as I kept it a secret. I didn't want them to know just yet.

The one person I haven't seen and really miss is Jake. He was my best friend before I left and I thought he'd be the first one to be there next to me when I got home but I haven't seen him once and no one talks about him.

"Good morning beautiful" mother says to me as I walk in the room.

"Good morning mum" I yawn and then hear Arliyah wake up from her room upstairs and in a flash I'm up there.

"Good morning my love"

"Morning mummy" she smiles up at me.

"You hungry?" I ask and she nods. "C'mon lets go get breakfast" I take her hand and we walk downstairs. Everyone's out hunting but my mother because she hunted yesterday with the wolves.

"Honey go outside and play in the garden for a bit while I cook you breakfast" she smiles and runs off outside. I watch as she tries to catch snowflakes and I remember the time before the volturi knew about me and my mother, Jake and I were out catching snow flakes. I smile a sad smile at the memory and continue to cook breakfast.


Arliyah's P.O.V

I heard my mum enter my room and I sat up and stretched my arms.

"Good morning my love"

"Morning mummy" I smile up at her. I climb out of bed and put my slippers on.

"You Hungry?" My mum asks and I nod. "C'mon lets go eat" she grabs my hand and we start going downstairs and into the kitchen. I look around and see that no ones home and remember they went hunting except for Nanna who's sitting on the couch reading.

"Honey go outside and play in the garden while I cook you breakfast" smile and rush outside seeing the snow.

In Australia there was no snow, so I never got to play with it. Snow is so much fun.

I jump up and on the middle of catching a snow flake I hear a noise coming for the opening to the forest. Curious like I always am I head towards the opening and peer into the darkness.

"Hello?" I call out. No reply. I start to walk in and the next thing I know I'm standing In front of a massive lake.

I look across to the other side and see a pair of eyes in the darkness. They stare back at me. I look around for a way to get across the river and see a fallen over tree a couple of metres up the lake.

Is this a good idea Arliyah?

"Not really" I whisper answering myself. Oh well. I start to head across the log. Arms out steadying my self. Halfway across the log I look down and see the rushing water underneath me and start to loose my balance. My left foot slips off and I fall into the water.

"Help! Help!" But no one hears me as I'm being drowned out by the rushing water. My head starts to go under and I'm gasping for air. There's water in my face and my vision starts to get blurry from the lack of oxygen.

I feels something pulling me. It pulls me across the water and up onto the bank. I spit out water and start coughing.

"Kid, kid are you okay?!" Someone says with a deep voice. Their hand starts to pay my face and I flinch because it's burning.

"Kid answer me?!" I open my eyes to a pair of big brown eyes staring down at me in concern.

Dark Beauty ; Renesmee series #1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin