chapter 1

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theyre making me go to school.

are you serious.

"Mum tell me your joking. i don't wanna go to school! eww"

"your going and thats final!" my mother leans forward and looks both ways as if shes checking to see if anyone can hear her even though they probably can with their inhuman hearing, "dont worry schools only a little shitty"

"Bella! not around Renesmee!" my father is instantly next to my mother. She looks at me and giggles then turns around and walks away mumbling something about how shes going to go have a race with jacob. Jacob and my mother have a daily running race in the woods to see whos the fastest. right now its my mother, but that only because jacob has been on night shifts and hasnt been having much sleep. but who knows we'll hear about it at 'dinner' tonight.

"daddy i dont wanna go to school!"

"sweetheart, schools not that bad. You know we are not sending you there for the education right? because you're already the most intelligent kid i know. No we are sending you there so you can make some friends. Try and fit in" My dad rambles on about boring friends and school for the next half an hour while i sit there and think about whos winning the race right now and when we are all going hunting next.

"...renesmee?" i shake my head and blink. I stare confusedly at my father.

"what?" i ask.

"you blanked out"

"i know because your little speech was boring."

"whatever..." he mumbles and walks off. As i get up and enter the kitchen to get some water i hear some... noises. Very unusual noises... confused i go to investigate where they are coming from and what is making them. As i near the top of the second floor the noises grow louder. I listen out and hear tht the noise is coming from rosalie and emmets room. As i open the door i am faced with a very frightening sight. Rosalie jumps of emmet and is under the covers in a flash while emmet is zooming around looking for some clothes. I slam the door shut as fast as i can. "uhh i think its a bad time i'll come back later?" i hurriedly race down the stairs and run straight into alice.

"hey babey why in such a ru--" she stops mid sentance her eyes glazing over a new vision "oh..." she says. She looks at me and then we both crack up laughing. up stairs you can hear Rose swearing and emmet telling her to calm down. it just makes me laugh harder.

After a couple of minutes Alice and I regain ourselfs and she tells me shes going to go find Jasper i nodd and walk outside.


" I totally beat your ass!" jacob yells at my mother.

"no you didnt you cheater! i won!" as my best friend and my mother argue about who won me emmet and dad are watching the football game when dad goes "sooooo..." and looks at both of us.

"IM SO SORRY RENESMEE YOU SHOUKDNT HAVE SEEN THAT I--" I uncle emm off by lauging. and i mean rolling on the floor laughing. and then dad joins in and i laiugh harder as i see my uncle in complete and utter emmbarresment.

Dark Beauty ; Renesmee series #1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin