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Reiner drove slowly down the street. He was looking for Gabi. She'd have to be around here somewhere. The snow coming down made it a bit more challenging and worried him.

"Where are you Gabi...?" he muttered.

He was getting more and more concerned. Moments later, something caught his eye. Reiner pulled over and stopped by a tunnel. There was a group of figures there. Reiner got out. He didn't know why but something told him he needed to get out. Voices echoed through the air. Then came a familiar voice...or more accurately a cry. Reiner's feet moved without a thought. The moment he got closer, his blood ran cold. Four big men surrounded a small figure...Gabi.

"Gabi!" Reiner yelled out.

She looked up. Reiner's entire being filled with rage. There Gabi was, laying on the ground, curled up trying to protect herself. Her face was bloodied and bruised, her nose looked as if it had been broken.

"Reiner!" Gabi cried.

"Shut up!" one of the men said.

He kicked her in the ribs, but Gabi blocked the blow with her arm.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Reiner yelled.

He ran the men, tackling two of them. Reiner turned, his eyes dark. He grabbed the other two by the collars and ripped them away from Gabi. Reiner glared at the group.

"How dare you attack an innocent child!" he said.

"Simple, she had something we wanted," the main man said.

"So you beat her up?!" Reiner replied.

"She could have given her necklace to me and been on her way, but she refused," the man said.

"That is the last thing she has from her mother, but I wouldn't expect you lowlifes to understand," Reiner hissed.

The men ran at him. Gabi cowered against the wall. Her injuries limited her movement. Reiner didn't notice the head thug had slipped away from the group. After a few short minutes, three of the thugs laid beaten on the ground. Reiner towered over them.

"If you EVER come near my little cousin again, I will not hesitate to kill you." He warned.

The three men got up and scrambled to run away. Reiner glared as they ran. Wait...wasn't there four of them? Where was the....

"Reiner!" came Gabi's voice.

Reiner turned around, his heart stopping. The main guy, the fourth one, had Gabi.

"One wrong move and she's dead," the man threatened.

He had his hand over Gabi's mouth keeping her quiet and a knife pressed to her throat. Gabi weakly pulled at the hand over her mouth.

"Stop that." The man hissed.

He sliced the blade across her collarbone. Gabi whimpered and tried to pull away.

"Aw the little baby's crying," the man taunted.

Gabi looked at Reiner, tears falling down her face as her eyes pleaded for help. Reiner's fear disappeared. He was now pissed.

"I'll give you a single chance to let her go," Reiner said.

"Or what?" the man asked.

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