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He thanked Pieck again and paid her for her services. Reiner and Gabi left and headed home. Reiner found the only ice cream parlor open at this hour of the night. He parked and got out of the car. Gabi started to unbuckle.

"No, you stay here," Reiner said.

He buckled her seat belt and covered her with a blanket.

"Aw, why?" Gabi whined.

"One, you can hardly walk due to your ankle; two, with your other injuries you shouldn't be walking around too much; three, you need rest and four, I do not want you having a sugar rush before bed," Reiner replied.

Gabi grumbled and pouted.

"Fine..." she mumbled.

"Good girl," Reiner said as he ruffled her hair.

"Now, what would you like?"

Gabi smiled. Reiner got her order and headed inside. Shortly later, Reiner came back out.

"All right, one scoop of cotton candy and one scoop of chocolate in a chocolate dipped waffle cone with extra rainbow sprinkles and some chocolate shavings," he said as he handed the sundae over to her.

Gabi's smile widened.

"Thank you!" she said.

"Did you get anything?"

"Just vanilla in a waffle cone," Reiner replied.

"So plain..." Gabi said.


She took a spoon of her sprinkles and plopped them onto his ice cream scoop. Reiner chuckled lightly.

"Now it's perfect," he said.

Gabi munched on her sweet treat and grinned. Reiner was happy to see her smiling and be more relaxed. He knew though it was going to be a long road to recovery. Gabi was a little clumsy eating due to the new cast on her hand and wrist but she was happy which is all Reiner wanted for her right now. Soon they headed home.


Gabi was sleeping by the time Reiner got back. By now, it was past midnight. Reiner parked and carried Gabi inside.

"Gabs, wake up," he said.

"Hmmm..." Gabi mumbled.

"We're home," Reiner said.

"Time to head to bed."

"Oki...carry me?" Gabi replied.

"Yeah sure, but you need to get out of your bloodied clothes and into your pajamas," Reiner said.

"I can do that," Gabi replied.

Reiner carried her upstairs and to her room. He helped her get settled and got her pajamas out.

"I'll be right down the hall if you need anything," Reiner said.

"Goodnight Gabi."

"Night Reiner, thank you again for your help," Gabi replied.

Reiner gave her a hug.

"I will always protect you," Reiner said.

"Uh, I'm gonna get changed then can you tuck me in?" Gabi asked.

"I-it's hard to move easily with my...injuries...and uhm..."

She looked down and fiddled with her fingers. Reiner understood. She was still scared and the gesture of being tucked in, just like her parents would do sometimes, was calming to her.

"Of course," Reiner replied.

"I'll wait outside, just let me know when you're ready."

He left to let her get ready for bed and changed into her pajamas. Gabi slowly and with some pain got undressed and into her pajamas. Reiner was waiting outside when he heard clattering followed by a thud.

"Gabi?" he called.

"I-I'm fine..." Gabi replied.

"I...I just fell is all."

"Are you okay?!" Reiner asked, worry in his voice.

"Just a few bumps," Gabi replied.

"But...I can't get up... M-my cast on my arm and the ankle brace make it hard, plus it hurts a lot to put pressure on them."

"Are you dressed?" Reiner said.

"Yeah," Gabi replied.

"All right, I'm coming in," Reiner said.

He opened the door. There was Gabi, lying flat on the floor. Reiner walked over and helped her up.

"Any pain? Did you fall on any of the bad injuries?" he asked, setting her down on the bed.

"I bumped the stitches so those hurt and hit my nose..." Gabi replied.

Reiner noticed the blood that was dripping from her nose.

"Hang here for a second," Reiner said.

He grabbed the tissue box from the bathroom. Gabi sighed.

"Okay, what's bugging you?" Reiner asked as he cleaned up her nose.

"Nothing..." Gabi muttered.

"Gabs, you're never this quiet," Reiner said.

"Plus, you were so happy when we were eating our ice cream."

"I just..." Gabi muttered.

"Gabs, you're not a problem, you're a wonderful girl and I'm so lucky to have you as my little cousin," Reiner replied.

"You're a blessing to have in my life and I am very sorry you lost your parents but I'm glad that I can take care of you in their place. I promise I'll do my best to become a great big brother to you."

Gabi jumped on him and hugged him tightly. Reiner smiled and gently hugged her back.

"A-and I'll do my best to be a good little sister," Gabi said.

"You can stay just as you are Gabs, you're my little mischief maker and I wouldn't have it any other way," Reiner replied as he ruffled her hair.

"Then you don't change either," Gabi said.

"We got a deal," Reiner replied.

"Pinkie swear?" Gabi said.

"Pinkie swear," Reiner replied.

Gabi giggled a little.

"All right you little monkey, time to get some sleep," Reiner said.

"I can see you're getting tired from the medicine Pieck gave you."

"Just a little sleepy," Gabi replied with a yawn.

"I can tell," Reiner said.

"Bed time."

He picked her up and set her bed, tucking her in. Gabi hugged her teddy bear and snuggled into the covers.

"Goodnight Gabi," Reiner said.

"Sleep well, and if you need anything, I'm right down the hall."

"Night Reiner and thank you," Gabi replied.

Reiner turned the lights off and closed the door. He locked up the house for the night and headed to bed.

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