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Gabi whimpered in her sleep. Haunting images from the attack playing through her mind.

"No...p-please..." Gabi said.

"I-it's all I-I have of my mothers..."

She began to toss and turn, pulling against the covers. Gabi's brow furrowed and a pained and scared expression appeared on her face. She kicked the covers off and thrashed about.

"No!" Gabi exclaimed.

She jolted awake, her heart racing. Gabi's blood ran cold seeing four shadows surrounding her bed. Gabi gasped and covered her head. Nothing happened. Gabi peeked out. The shadows were gone. It was just a nightmare. Gabi's heart was pounding out of her chest, her breathing was erratic and a light layer of sweat covered her body.

"J-just a nightmare..." she muttered.

Gabi shakily got out of bed and used a cool cloth on her face and body. She grabbed her blanket and pillow then headed to Reiner's room.

"Reiner?" Gabi said quietly as she opened the door.

He was dead asleep. Gabi sighed. She quietly crept in and closed the door. Reiner snored lightly but didn't wake. Gabi walked to the bedside. She wanted to wake Reiner but she felt like she'd caused him enough trouble for the evening. Gabi wrote a short note and left it on the bed near Reiner. She laid her pillow and a quilt on the floor. Gabi curled up, wrapping herself in her blanket. After a while, Gabi managed to fall back asleep.


45 minutes later-

Reiner stirred and woke up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Upon putting his down, Reiner felt a piece of paper crumple under his fingers.

"Huh?" Reiner mumbled.

He picked the paper up.

I didn't want to wake so here's a note.

I...I had a nightmare and got scared. I came here but you were asleep. Don't worry, I'm okay now. You can't see me cuz I'm sleeping on the floor but I'll be fine. I...just needed... I was afraid to be alone.

Anyway, that's pretty much it. Hope you sleep well and see you in the morning.

Reiner leaned over. There Gabi was, sleeping on the floor...

"This is not happening missy," Reiner thought.

Reiner quietly got up. He moved around slowly and carefully so he wouldn't wake up Gabi. Reiner set up a pillow ridge in a small U-shape in the middle of his bed.

"All right, into an actual bed little miss injured," Reiner muttered.

Gabi grumbled in sleep as Reiner gently picked her.

"Yes, I know you don't like being annoyed when you're asleep," Reiner said with a laugh.

He placed Gabi in the pillow ring and wrapped her up in soft, warm blankets. Reiner carefully slipped her pillow under her head. Gabi smiled in sleep and snuggled into her new surroundings. Reiner gently patted her head.

"Sleep well Gabi, I promise to protect you," he said.

Reiner grabbed his futon rollaway bed and moved it near his bed. Both Gabi and he had a peaceful sleep for the rest of the night.

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