The Little Things

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"I see you've met my uncle"

The voice seemed vaguely familiar but the banging in my head from the fall kept me from figuring out why. The bright light illuminated me, blinding me at the same time and darkening every inch the light didn't touch. The stranger started to pase around the room, staying clear of the light to keep me from figuring out the one question stuck in my head.

Who are they?

"What do you want?" I asked calmly, not letting my kidnapper know how scared I was. Confidence filled my posture as I stood up stumbling slightly from the pain. They just laughed. A familiar sinister laugh which echoed through the room. Yet they had no intention of answering my question. "Where's Reggie?" Again no reply. "Not very talkative are we?" I asked cockily furrowing my eyebrows, adrenaline pumping through my system. I should be careful.

"I can be when I want too" they replied, a bittersweet voice coming from them letting me know they were a girl.

"Where am I?" I could tell she was getting pissed of by my continuous questions. The way she kept stopping when I asked something. "Why me?"

"You don't stop asking questions do you!" She snapped annoyed by my constant attempts to get her to spill. I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Well I'm oblivious to what's happening." I shrugged biting my lip in anticipation and frustration. "And asking is the best way to get answers." She huffed narrowing her eyes at me before stepping closer to the light, but I still couldn't fully see her.

"What I want to know is why you?" I furrowed my eyebrows for probably the third time that night.

"Why.. me?" I asked my voice raising in pitch towards the end.

"What's so special that they would chose you?"

That who would choose me? I wasn't getting any answers just more and more questions. Then as if something tuned in my head, I remembered Julie's concert at the Orpheum. I had to be there. To say goodbye. To Alex. To my cousin, Luke. And to Reggie, the boy, who I only just realised, had stolen my heart.

"Let me go" I stepped towards them in an effort to be intimidating but failed when they stepped towards me, towering over me now in the light for me to see. Her blue stormy eyes were dull and full of hatred, that I once considered beautiful months ago. Her long brown hair flowed down past her shoulders as she stared down at me. The enemy that caused me to make a friend.

Charlotte Newby.

"C-charlotte?!" I breathed, taking a step back to see her fully. A sly smirk made its way onto her face at my actions. "But... I don't understand" my mind tried to wrap its way around the situation but failed miserably.

"You never did" she seethed. The anger on her face evident. "All of you were oblivious to everything. Yet somehow you still messed everything up!" She stared charging at me, the adrenaline I once had gone.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I asked alarmed at her sudden charge as she pushed me against a cold stone wall, hands holding my shoulders forcefully, most likely leaving bruises.

"Do you know what it's like to die" she loosened her grip on me averting her gaze as I stared at her in utter shock. Her tone had fallen into a more vulnerable state, tears were brimming the edges of her eyes. "To have everything r-ripped away from you in a matter of seconds?" Her eyes met mine a frown found its way upon my face just looking at her, and I felt something I shouldn't. Pity.

"You died?" I wondered out loud wondering how she was here in the flesh. That couldn't be possible, Reggie, Luke and Alex had all come back as ghosts. So how was Charlotte here if she died.

Bittersweet Love Story~~Reggie X Reader -- JATPWhere stories live. Discover now