Tyler Jones

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~~OMG it's been so long! I'm so sorry 💔🥺. Hope you enjoy however in two weeks I've got an exam week so I might not be able to update then so I'll try to get two chapters out before then 😬😅~~

"And 5, 6, 7, 8." "Breath out" instructed Mrs Harrison my dance teacher. Why did I have to come to school today. Ever since yesterday people have been laughing and staring at me. Just grin and bear it.

"Nice of you to finally join us" She said looking towards Julie who had just run through the door, she smiled at me then went towards Flynn. I looked down towards my necklace, it's so pretty.

"Ok pair up" she yelled once again only this time the lacrosse team were all standing at the door with coach barren. Not many people knew me or they just didn't want to be with me do I was left alone, or so I thought, until Tyler Jones started walking towards me. Let's be honest, almost half of the girls in this room would love to have Ty as there dance partner. His dark hazel brown coloured hair with curls at the front a sharp jawline with impeccable skin and deep brown eyes... so why in the world would he want to be with me?!

"Hey. Y/N right?" He asked as he got closer.

"Yep. The one and only" I replied awkwardly, only to see Flynn staring at me with a "go get 'em" look on her face. Oh god help me.

"Wanna be partners?" He asked a hint of hope in his eyes.

"Well we have no choice now" I gestured to the room now full of boy and girl pairs.

"Oh yeah" he rubbed the back of his neck "your right".

"So ladies lets do what we learnt last week and we will be performing it this Friday."miss started "Me and the coach barren will demonstrate."

"No I don't dance." He hinted nervously.

"You do now."

We all started copying the teachers at the front of the class room. Ty was actually a really good dancer.

"So why are the lacrosse team here?" I asked oblivious to the fact that Mrs Harrison had just explained why.

"Were you not listening?" Ty asked twirling me around not really noticing everyone else had stopped. "For our coordination and mobility. But you were in your own little world weren't you." He continued smirking "just like you are now" he stopped dancing and so did I. Everyone was staring at us, when did they all stop!!

"Well seems like we have some keen dancers in here" Mrs Harrison commented. I felt heat rise up into my cheeks. This is so embarrassing. "From the top!"

---Time Skip to after class---

"Y/n, Tyler would you come here for a second?" Mrs Harrison said gesturing for us to come closer. I cautiously walked towards her unlike Ty who just walked normally. "I would like you two to dance a solo on Friday, seeing as your very keen and enthusiastic about dance I thought you would be very fitting, not to mention your skill." Wow I was taken back. This was both good and bad.

"It's hardly me at all miss Ty is the one who's good" I insisted. Looking up at Ty I swear I saw him blush. Or it must have just been the lights.

"Don't doubt yourself y/n you are an amazing dancer." Now it was my turn to blush as Tyler complimented me.

"Well I'll see you both Wednesday and Thursday at lunch" Mrs Harrison said whilst walking out so we couldn't decline.

"I'm not that good y'know" I complied. Ty was just staring at me in disbelief whilst running a hand through his hair.

"No your not good" he stated I was a little taken back, was what he said earlier a joke? "Your amazing" I take it all back, the heat rushed back into my cheeks. "Oh and by the way." Ty said just before he was about to walk out the door. "Digging the nickname you gave me. See you around n/n~ (nickname)" he continued before walking out and closing the door leaving me in an empty gym with only my thoughts.

---Time Skip---

"OH My baggeebers!!" I huffed as I sat down next to Flynn at the lunch table.

"Well hello to you too" she replied looking at me, I stared back and after a 30 second staring contest with me winning I shoveled a tone of potato into my mouth only for my eyes to widen in shock about how hot they were.

"The p-potatos are hot!" I said, swallowing the hot pain down my throat. Flynn laughed. "Don't laugh" I pouted.

"Sometimes I don't know what's going on in that head of yours" Flynn said placing a finger on my forehead until we both burst out laughing for no reason. "Anyway, you and Tyler were getting all cosy at the back of the gym." Flynn hinted lifting her eyebrow up wanting to get the full story.

"It was nothing. Ty and I wer-"I started until Flynn rudely interrupted.

"Ohh so he goes by Ty now does he?" I rolled my eyes

"Ok ship queen. Anyway, mrs Harrison asked us to stay behind after class and told us we've got a solo for Friday's performance." Flynn was nodding off as if she was falling asleep.

"Where's the juice?" She half yelled.


"Yeah y'know like the chemistry?" She hinted "were there any chemical bon-" before Flynn could finish I was already interrupting.

"No chemistry just a normal conversation served with some compliments." I said flatly now poking my vegetables which did not look appealing (like all school food) I slowly looked up to see her eyeing me. "Ok maybe he made me blush and I made him blush but that was it!" I replied now picking up my tray and walking towards the bins.

"Hey wait for me" she yelled running after me. "I want to hear more!"


I was walking home when I heard Julie talking to her 'ex-band' in her mum's studio. Well I guess it's hers now.

That was sad but really rude too. I didn't know who's side to take, well I don't really need to take a side. 'crack' I looked down seeing I had stepped on a branch. When did I get this close to Julie's house? I looked back up to see Reggie and Alex both staring at me. Wait remember you can't see them. Think why would you be here?!

"Julie?" I said fake trying to find her as I looked into the studio. Nothing. Obviously.

"Alex I think she's looking for Julie" Reggie said looking at me and then back to Alex. Alex just gave him a look as if saying "well duuhh she called out for her!"

I decided to just walk away before the one sided conversation got too weird. I got my phone out to 'text' her as I walked back towards my house.

I went inside grabbing the first peice of food I could find and slowly walked up towards my room sitting on the windowsill, grabbing my laptop out and chomping on the food, which was a cheese sandwich I was going to have for my lunch if I hadn't forgotten it. I opened up the laptop firing Netflix up and watching one of my favourite movies; (your favourite movie).

Mines Spider-Man Far From Home!!  ❤️❤️🕷️🕸️🕷️

My eyes started drifting and landed on Reggie as I slowly but surely drifted off to sleep...

~~Yo I wrote this whole chapter just now so sorry if it's bad I just wanted to update because ive got exams next week and it was now or never. 😊😴❤️ Hope you enjoyed~~

P.s. Kota4406 hope you didn't cry 😂 because Ive updated now 😁

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