Someone New

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Woah I've actually started a second chapter, this is new! Hope you enjoy!! 😁.
Btw if I mix the story around its because it's better fitting for my story.

Once again I'm apologising for such bad writing... I might end up rewriting if I ever find time

"Beeeeeeeeep" went my alarm clock as I slowly ripped myself from my bed debating weather or not to have a shower, finally deciding to have one after about 5 minuets pondering. I grabbed my Grey Unas Annus hoodie from the floor and my navy blue jeans with just a plain white top slowly treading towards the shower. I turned on the water and let it trickle down my body draping my h/c h/l hair down my back, I got the shampoo and massaged it into my hair.

Once I got out the shower I put my clothes on, only to realise I was in there for 15 minutes.

'Great I'll have to skip breakfast again' I thought drying my hair and putting it into a messy bun (short hair leave it down) grabbing my bag and rushing downstairs only to be greeted by my sister, Freya.

"Y/n your late!" She said sternly, she may be younger than me but she is definitely more mature and popular.

"Yeah I know" I mentioned rolling my eye and putting on my converse shoes, "I'll see you later" I quickly ran out the door before she could criticise me anymore.

Leaving the gate I heard a noise I never thought I'd hear for another 2 years. Julie playing the piano and singing. I decided to listen so I stood on the street. I saw her dad and brother listening too, we're all going to be late but it'll be worth it.

Once Julie finished singing, I was amazed, 1 year not singing and she sounds like that! I was about to walk towards her house until I saw Flynn already there, 'maybe next time' I thought.

That is when I saw him. Never in my life would I have thought love at first sight was real. The way his jet black hair flipped upward, a sharp jawline carved his face so perfectly yet leaving room for cuteness, topped off with a dreamy eyes and a smug smile.

Any girl who saw him would fall.

"Y/n what are you still doing here! GO TO SCHOOL!!" Freya yelled from the front door, I was so shocked I jumped out of my skin.

"Gosh, remind me when your about to shout." I answered slightly annoyed partly because she interrupted my stare and also that she saw me staring at a boy. "I'm going now. Don't know when I'll be home" I started walking glancing back at the spot where he stood, only to find it empty. Maybe I'll see him again?

~~Time Skip~~

It was now the pep rally which I went to purely to see how Carrie was going to preform (obviously she spent her dad's money on props or costumes etc.) After carries groups song, I got bored so I went to find something to do. I ended up at the field only to turn around and walk straight back to the hall to find Julie on stage singing with the three boys I saw earlier. This caught me off guard so I ended up sitting near the back with everyone standing round the stage.

The guy I saw earlier was playing the bass guitar and all I can say is he is amazing, both at playing the guitar and singing. I'm guessing Julie joined a band or something because there was also a drummer and another guitarist singing as well as Julie, they sounded truly amazing. And of course Carrie looked pissed and annoyed, if the teachers didn't let Julie back in the music program I would happily give her my spot.

At the end of the song the boys bowed and everyone clapped until they all started looking confused. Why did they stop clapping there right there? One girl asked if Julie used holograms which Julie answered saying they were, which made me even more confused. My face probably looked like when you see a bird hit a window because it can't see the glass. Why can't anyone see them anymore? I looked over at the boys who were on the steps, the cute boy from before was waving his bum in front of everyone.

"Pffft" I laughed with some people glaring at me so I stopped still staring at the cute guy from the band. A thought randomly popped into my head 'I wonder if he's sing-' but I caught myself half way. Don't think like that! He's way out of your league.

I retreated back to the seats after standing to get a better view, as everyone exited an the teachers walked towards Julie. I was trying to listen in but stopped when the cute guy sat next to me. Why? I Have No Flipping CLUE!!

"Hey Alex look someone's still here" the guy said to 'Alex' the drummer I pretended I couldn't see them to blend in with everyone else.

"Well this is a school" Alex said rolling his eyes, all I did was look at a book that I had pulled out as soon as the guy sat next to me.

"Hey dude even though they can't see us it's still weird to watch them read" the brown haired boy opposite Alex said. "Anyway we should go home otherwise Julie will get mad at us for staying at her school"

"Yeah yeah I just want to finish this sentence it's about a sheep." He said making me laugh slightly whilst I turned the page "see even she thinks it's interesting."

"C'mon Reggie, let's go." Alex said

"Oh alright." and suddenly all 3 boys had disappeared in a poof.

'So his name is Reggie...' I thought cracking a smile not even acknowledging how they poofed into thin air.

Reggie... Cute name.

Hey! So guys this is actually the first time I've written a second chapter for any of my books so hopefully I'll continue to write it!! Sorry if it's cringy.

Anyway see you next time 😂

Bittersweet Love Story~~Reggie X Reader -- JATPWhere stories live. Discover now