Not An Update - Sorry

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It's been a while I know (about 2 months I think... But I just wanted to say thank you all for allowing me to reach a total of 60k reads??!!! I mean it's just unbelievable.

I was just sat here staring at all my books and their last update dates thinking I should write some more, when this stories reads went from 59.9k to 60k.

And I know I'm terrible with update times, but truth be told I only update once I've written the chapter 😅 so it's not very consistent as well as trying to write my other books at the same time (bad idea).

But I've also been isolating in my room for the past, like, 7 days due to my PCR test coming back positive which you'd think is the perfect time to write a lot but I've been reading a whole bunch of JJ Maybank stories instead (I recommend 'Tease' by totallyjuno, 'new girl' and 'midnight love' by SURFCURSED ).

Well anyway you've probably just skipped through all of that, annoyed this isn't an update, I would just like to reiterate my thanks for all the reads even if the plots a little dodgy and boring, hopefully that will change in later chapters.

Anyhow, goodbye for now, untill j see you in the next chapter...

~Martha xx

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