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Prologue: The Fair Folk's Plight and A Dragon's Decision

   "My prince, we must find a fail-safe solution if The Pilgrimage turns out to be a failure." one of the elven elders informed Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, leader of the now Blood Elfs. The young prince looked around at his council, full of old sorcerers and few battle-hardened rangers and paladins. Each and every one of these faces had been effected by the Scourge, the Undead force lead by the Litch King that ravaged their once beautiful land and had destroyed their source of power. Their people needed a solution to the desecration of the Sunwell.

     He sighed deeply. "I know this. But nothing powerful enough seems to spring up and into my mind. I've searched and searched through our libraries and the books I took from Dalaran, yet nothing would be sufficient!" There was a slight tremble in the earth, but no one paid mind to it.

      The elder elf whom had spoken before brushed his snow white hair from his glowing green eyes. "The if what you have been promising us turns out to be a falsehood, you have not only doomed our entire race but the Sunstriders shan't ever be trusted again."

    Annoyance shoned bright within Kael'thas' own glowing green eyes (you see, every elf that has pledged the Blood Oath has obtained lovely green eyes that glow). "Again, I know this." He growled. "But you would condemn mine cousin? You would shun a small girl whose had everything torn away from her, then was shoved into rigorous training far too young all because I may have made a mistake?" The elder looked surprised.

     A young female ranger spoke up, "If Lady Bluestone redeems the Sunstrider name, then no, we shan't shun her, but welcome her with the open arms we always have." The prince sighed with relief and nodded his thanks. He began to speak again, but was interrupted by shouting outside. One of the royal guards approached and knelt.

     "My prince," he said, head bowed. "there is someone here to see the council." Kael'thas glared down at him. "Who, in all of Azeroth, thinks they be so important as to interrupt a council off the Blood Elfs?" he asked angrily.

      "Kael'thas, is that any way to speak to one melenia older than yourself?" a voice, as old as as time itself, asked. Just then an elf, taller than most, with blue eyes and brown hair walked in. He seemed older and wiser than any other present, and he held a large staff with and elaborate hourglass upon it. Everyone at the table stood with their mouths slightly agape.

      The prince bowed to this newcomer, low and deep. "Nozdormu." He said the Dragon's name almost reverently. "What might the Lord of Time be doing in a place like this?" he asked, straightening.

    "I have come," Nozdormu began, walking toward the large table of the council, "to give you all a history lesson." He laid one intricately tattooed hand upon said table, "Long ago, your ancestors came to me and pleaded with me to create a portal into another realm. A realm that would keep a relic, one more precious and powerful than the Sunwell, safe from harm." His gaze wandered around the gathered company. "Can any of you name this relic?"

    A moment of uncomfortable silence passed. "The Tears of Belore." A young voice said from behind one of the many elaborate tapestries. Knowing that she had been found out, the owner of this voice stepped out. She was still just a child, but a power could be felt surrounding the girl. Bluestone Sunstrider tugged nervously at her blood red hair. "I'm sorry Kael!" She said, tears brimming in her eyes.

  Kael'thas smiled lovingly at the small child and held out a hand. "Do not be sorry, you may have just saved us from and incredibly long and irritating debate!" Bluestone took her cousin's hand and climbed up onto his lap, staring at Nozdormu with wonder. "You are the leader of the Bronze Dragon Flight, no?" she asked quizzically.

    The Dragon smiled down at the girl. "Why yes, yes I am! And you are correct. The Tears of Belore was sent to a land called Alagaesia." "What does this have to do with our current situation?" The white haired elder asked impatiently. The Dragon glared at the elf, who shrunk back. "It has everything to do with your situation! You are searching for a second option, are you not? Well, here it is!"

   "What are you suggesting?" Kael'thas asked, patting Bluestone's head. Nozdormu looked at the young prince, sadness deep within his eyes. "I am suggesting that we send someone to the land to recover the Tears and possibly save your people."

    Launa (the female ranger) looked at Nozdormu untrustingly. "Why would you want to help us?" She asked.

   The ancient being turned his gaze towards the little girl who held onto the hand of her remaining family member and saw what she would become. He saw a strong, powerful, kind, and sad woman becoming queen and leading the Blood Elfs to greatness. He saw her leading armies and saving nations. "Because, your people will come to play a significant role in times to come." Bluestone looked up at him, her eyes depicting a trajedy that no one should know.

    "If what you are saying is true," said a mage with brown hair, "then only one of the royal elven line can retrieve the Tears." Her eyes settle on the Sunstriders. Kael'thas was adorned in his black, red, and gold magi robes and little Bluestone wore a black and silver dress that flowed around her small body as she walked, as if she had been emersed within water. Looking at the two, one could have guessed them to be siblings, not cousins.

    Nozdormu looked at the pair. "Yes. Only a Sunstrider can retrieve The Tears of Belore. Only a Sunstrider can save your people." Kael'thas frowned deeply and said, "But I shall be busy leading my people to The Shattered World."

     Suddenly, a wave of understanding washed over Bluestone and she let go of Kael's hand and slid off his lap, then took a step towards the ancient Dragon. "He doesn't mean you Kael." She said sadly, looking up at her cousin. "He means me."

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