Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The Traders

   That winter, a blizzard swung through Carvahall. When she was not inside doong chores or creating things to trade, bluestone was outside making the snow jumo and dance. She loved to watch as the howling wind slowed and stopped in a bubble of calm, icy crystals. The limited snow she had experienced on Azeroth did not react to her will in this way.

   "If you should fall ill," Brom told her one day, "then we shall all be in grave danger because of your foolishness!" "If  I fall ill, you'd have to find yourself someone else to striaghten up all your messes!" She shot back. The old man chuckled and asked, "Byany chance, did you happen to see any marks that may have been made by the traders?" But Buestone shook her head. "I would think the snow an obstacle in their path." she said. Brom stroaked his beard for a momment. "Yes, that must be it."

                                    ~                                           ~                                          ~

   Indeed the traders where late this year. Weeks had passed without any sign of them. Brom and bluestone had agreed that it was necessary to attempt to sell their wares to the villagers.

   After everything had been packed, Bluestone went out for a walk. She began to brood and kicked at the snow. Multiple thumps echoed  throughout  the village and bluestone decided to find out what it was.

   The thumps came form a clearing surrounded by carravans. She smiled and felt giddy. Bluestone began to run back to the house, but suddenly slowed. "This means I shall have to leave the day after tomorrow." She thought sadly, then walked the rest of the way home.

  She opened the door and sat next to the fire, carressing the small hourglass held by a black embersilk cord that tied around her neck. "When the time for your truejourney has begun, this will tell you." Nozdormu's voice now reverberated within Bluestone's ears. And it had. Not two months ago did Bluestone see within her dreams a vision of a large city with beautiful teirs and grotesque housing. But towering over all this appeared to be a huge, black citadel. She had asked Bro mif he knew of a place such as this, but he had kept silent for a day and a half before making tea and telling her, "I blaive the city within your dream is Urubain." "The capitol?" Bluestone asked, wide eyed. "Yes!" Brom snapped."And for the love of the Kings of Old, don't interrupt me. Now, as I was saying, unfortunatly, you should begin your search there."

   Now Bluestome sat by the fire, both sad and glad that the traders had showed. "Bluestone? Whatever is the matter?" brom asked as he walked into the room. She smiled up at him and said, "The traders have come! They arrived not too long ago, so we should be able to do business tomorrow." Brom smiled at her. "Then you should get some rest." She nodded and went to her room.

   When morning arose, Brom and bluestone set out with bags of trinkets and clothes. Bluestone noticed a change in the traders, they weren't in their usual cheer. None of the children played in the streets, the men and women wore hard faces and weapons." "I wonder what has made them so hard." Bluestone said quietly as they began to trade. Brom lowered his voice to match her's. "When we are all finished, I'd expect you to find out."

   It did not ake long before most of their ware had been bought or traded off. Brom gave bluestone some coins. "Take these and go find out what you can." he said. Bluestone smiled at him and walked off into the throng of people.

   She browsed around a bit, asking questions and gathering information all the while. After some time, she bought two delicate little pastries and a smoldering cherry pie. Finding a lovely spot by a few trees,  Bluestone sat down and ate the pastries, saving the pie. Bluestone had been sitting there for some time when a crunching sound came from behind her. Smiling, she closed her eyes.

   "Hey Blue! Wake up!" Baldor said as he sat next to her. Bluestone snickered and opened her eyes saying, "I wasn't sleeping, just listening to your thundering steps!" They laughed, then the laughter died. Baldor knew Bluestone  was leaving, and he'd begged ger to stay. The two had been friends for as long as Bluestone had been in Carvahall, thick as theives for all that time. She had even been allowed to help in the forge when a smaller, more delicate hand was needed.

   Now destiny was taking its toll on them, but the pair seemed determined not to let tat ruin what could possibly be their last day together. Bluestone offered up the pie to baldor and he took it along with one of the spoons she had offered. "Will you be comming over for dinner?" He asked as they began to eat. "Only if  it's okay with your father." Bluestone answered, almost choking on the still hot pie. Baldor smiled and nudged her with his shoulder. "He's the one who asked me to invite you!"

   Their pie was soon gone, but they sat there and enjoyed the other's company. "Baldor," Bluestone began. He turned to face ger with a questioning gaze, "I have something for you. A trinket to remember me by." She pulled out a pendant depicting a beautifully carved wolf carrying a large hammer between its teath. Baldor took it from her and sighed. "You didn't have to get me this. I shall always remember you even when I grow old and crippled." He said, staring at the pendant.

   Bluestone laughed at him. "That may be, but that pendant in your hands is a genuine Bluestone original peice! He gave her a small, sad smile and pulled the cord over his head. The pendant fell and nestled on his broad, muscular chest. "It is very fine craftmanship." He commented, then reached within his tunic and produced  a thing that was wrapped in cloth. "I too have a going away present for you." He said and handed the bundle to her.

   Bluestone  slowly unwrapped the cloth, very aware that Baldor's eyes were watching her. Within the bundle was what appeared to be the back of a leather bracelet. When she turned it over, she gasped.

  Upon the leather were grooves. Those grooves were filled with a lovely metal. The metalic grooves had been etched into a pattern that depicted a beautiful shining silver oak with icicles and snow in place of leaves. Tears sprung to Bluestone's eyes and she looked at Baldor. "It's beautiful." She all but whispered. Baldor gave her anouther sad smile and helped her put the bracelet on, then he stood up, offering out a hand.

   "C'mon." He said. "It's just about supper time." Bluestone nodded and allowed him to help her up. The pair walked arm in arm towards the smith's house.

                                          ~                                 ~                                    ~

   Dinner at Horst's was lively and cheerful. Eragon, Garrow, and Roran had showed up and shared in the festivities. But when dinner was over and done, the two families moved to the stage the traders and trubadours had set up while Bluestone went behind the stage to look for Brom.

   She found the old man siiting on a stool speaking with one of the older actors. "Ah, Bluestone." he said, puffing on his pipe. "I was wondering if you'd even show up!" Bluestone smiled politely, dragged a chair over to them, and sat down. "So, there were more bandits on the road this year?" Brom asked the actor. The man took a drink from of whatever he had been nursing in his cup before answering. "Yes, and other obstacles as well." he paused for a moment. "I'm sorry Brom, but my act is coming up and I must converse with my fellow actors." and with that, he left.

  "Are you ready?" brom asked after a brief pause. Bluestone laughed. "Of course I am! I thin kthe real question is are YOU ready? Brom, you may be about to tell a very dangerous tale infront of a few whom are very loyal to the Empire." But Brom gave her a mischevious smile that only those who are old can give. "This is a story that can inspire the weak and threaten the powerful! Of course I am ready to tell it!" He said in an unusually happy tone. Bluestone shrugged and said, "Hey, it's your hide if someone reports you."

   It was time. All the plays where now said and gone. Bluestone willed the flames of the candles encircling the villagers to sputter and cry. Brom stepped out and looked at his audience, then began to tell a tale of sorrow, betrayal, and death. Throughout this tale, Bluestone played with the candles, chilled and then heated the air, and ultimatly created the perfect atmosphere for this particular story.

   When brom had finished, bluestone released her hold on the magic and smiled to herself upon seeing the faces and hearing the muttered comments of her fellow villagers from behinde the curtain. Then she and Brom walked silently home.

Bluestone (An Eragon and World of Warcraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now