Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Puppet

  The main room was large and beautiful. Vases of fragrant flowers had been placed tastefully on the furniture. Bluestone walked over to the closed windows and flung them open, allowing the afternoon sun to flood the room. For the first time in weeks, she felt like herself again.

   Curiously, she meandered into the bathing room. The heavy scent of roused wafted from the tub and Bluestone placed her hand on the waters surface. It had become cool so she willed heat into it.

   When the water was to her liking, she removed her travel-worn clothes and slipped into the lovely bath. "How nice for them to draw me a bath. I've been itching for one for so long." she mumbled wand sighed, allowing her ears to droop a little. A door opened and closed in the bedroom and heavy footsteps walked forward. Bluestone tensed, readying a frost bolt.... But the footsteps only reached so far before pausing, then going back the way they came.

   She arched an eyebrow, but did not allow the intrusion to ruin her bath. When the water began to grow cold again, she scrubbed herself clean. It surprised her how much time it took to wash away all the dirt and grime before her lovely pale-pink skin shone through. Her hair had turned an almost brown shade during her time spent in the dungeon and when Bluestone arose from the tub and stared into the floor-length mirror, her breath caught. "I had almost forgotten how beautiful it was" she thought, running a hand through her hair.

   She stood there for a few minutes, admiring here smooth, lean, slightly muscled body before pulling on a robe that hung by the tub and walked unto the main room. A large, delicately wrapped gift sat upon the heavily pillowed bed with a small scroll atop the box. She opened the scroll and held it up so no water would fall upon it. Etched on the parchment in lovely, flowing script was,

                    "My Dear Lady Sunstrider,

                   I apologize in advance for not speaking wit you in person,

                 but I am a very busy man. I hope you find your rooms to be

                 suitable. Servants are being briefed as to your...special case

                 as you read this. The following is a small set of rules at, if not

                 followed precisely, shall lead you back into the dungeon:

                      1. You are to be accompanied by a trusted servant

                          or armed guard at all times.

                      2. You are not permitted outside the city gates unless

                           I say as such and are accompanied by myself or

                           one I have appointed to.

                      3. You are to stay in your human form unless instructed


                      4. Magic, save that to disguise your true nature, is


                      5. You are to wear my jade gift to you at all times

                           unless instructed otherwise.

                    My castle can be a glorious place as long are you abide by

                 these five simple rules. I certainly hope you enjoy yourself.

                                                                             -Your King,


   Bluestone sighed and opened the box. Within was a lovely fabric that shone like a sunrise. She lifted it up and the fabric tumbled to reveal a dress that seemed to be a sad mockery of that of her own people. Gently, she laid the dress upon the bed and peered inside the box once more, finding a box with a greenish tint. Bluestone lifted the lid and nestled within folds of pearly silk lay a jade dragon in the shape if a spiraling bracelet.

   There was a loud knock at the door. "Enter!" Bluestone called, setting down the box. A young woman in strangely elegant servants robes stepped through the door. The woman's eyes widened at the sight of Bluestone's alien form...and that all she wore was a short-ish robe. "I-I'm sorry miss!" She began to back out but Bluestone waved a hand and said lazily, "Do not apologize, come in."

   The girl blushed and closed the door behind her. Bluestone's gaze swept up and down the servant, she looked like a mouse. She held up a hand and twitched a finer, the girl hesitantly stepped over. She was a few inches shorter than Bluestone. "What is your name?" she asked, twirling a lock of the girl's hair between her fingers. "Ellora, my Lady."

    Bluestone turned away and touched the dress upon the bed. "Ellora," she began, then glanced over her shoulder, "do you fear me?"

   Ellora gasped and took a small step back. "M-my Lady!" she stammered. "You certainly strike an imposing figure!" she blushed. "Even when you are in a bathing robe, you are the most beautiful, imposing, and alien woman I have ever seen. It will be mine honor to serve you!" and she knelt before Bluestone, body trembling slightly.

   Bluestone stared at the girl. "She seems so eager to please, yet she doesn't even know me!" She thought, then said aloud, "Please, Ellora, rise. There is no need for that in my presence." Ellora arose and nodded. "Then...shall I help you dress my Lady?" But Bluestone shook her head. "You need not do that, I am fully capable of dressing myself." Then she paused for a moment, thinking. "Actually, can you try to retrieve my staff? It's of a grey wood with carvings on the shaft and an emerald encased in roots at the top. The girl scratched her head. "The head servant said nothing about a staff...but I shall see what I can do." and she left, locking the door behind her.

   Bluestone stared after her. "Good grief, will that strange girl be following me all the time?"  Sighing, she removed her robe and slid the dress on over her head, glamouring herself as she did so. It was very soft and darkened from yellow to a deep red as the colors moved inward. The neckline drooped  subtly to reveal her unblemished chest and hourglass choker. It looked lovely on her. Gazing at herself, she sighed. "I guess it will do." then she slipped on socks and a pair of black boots.

   She sat on the bed and stared at the dragon. It was slight, but power could be felt radiating from it. Sighing again, she slipped it onto the wrist opposite to Baldor's bracer. An icy pain zinged up her arm. "That snake!" Bluestone gasped and gritted her teeth. "Is this how he plans to restrict my magic??" Then she peered at herself in the mirror. "My glamour is holding....maybe it doesn't effect magics already in place? How else would he keep his new pet a secret?"


                             ~                                    ~                                       ~

    A good while later, Ellora returned, holding Bluestone's still glamoured staff. "It took some convincin'" she said, "but I was able to acquire it!" and she held it out to her.

   Bluestone took her staff and let out a sigh of relief. Ellora bowed low. "My Lady, shall I take you on a tour of the citadel?"

   "Why yes, you shall."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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